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I laid naked In the middle of the bed, seungmin was by my side, playing with my hair as i was still catching my breath.

"That was so good seungmin, I don't know the last time I had sex like that." I said, making seungmin chuckle.

"Good... cause you should only remember me anyway." He teased. I smiled, nodding. He has absolutely no idea how much I agree with that statement..

"That won't be hard..... especially if you do that to me again."

"You're wonderful, Hun." Seungmin said, grabbing my hand, smiling up at me cutely.

"What are you talking about?, I didn't have to do anything but moan my guts out, I mean I came so h-

"Oh God innie, enough dirty talk!" Seungmin scolded, shaking his head.

"Well it's true-"

"I don't care, it's done, sex is over; no more dirty talk." He said, angrily blushing, I covered my mouth trying not to laugh.

"Alright, moving on." He said, shaking his head. "How about I make us some breakfast, hm?"

"Ughh, but I'm tired.....I don't wanna get up." I whined. Seungmin got off the bed, looking down at me.

"C'mon baby, it's almost ten"

He smiled and grabbed my hand, pulling me off the bed so I'd be standing in front of him. He wrapped his arm around my waist, kneading his hand into my lower back, looking down at me with probably the only lustful look I've ever seen him make.

I smirked up at him, grabbing his hand and lowering it to my ass. "Round two, baby?" I asked.

He scoffed and rolled his eyes fondly, before leaning down and pecking my lips. "You're just ridiculous, y'know that."

"Is that a no..?"

"Waffles or pancakes, baby?" He asked seriously. I Groaned, throwing back my head.

"Waffles.." i mumbled, seungmin laughed, patting my waist. "Go get dressed, Angel. I'll get your breakfast started, ok?"

"Ok." I sighed, giving a smile to show I wasn't really too upset.


I walked out of the hallway, wearing my black short shorts and a baggy white t shirt.
I went up to the counter, watching as seungmin continued to pour the batter into the waffle maker, not aware I was back yet.

"Are you sure you should be cooking with no shirt?" I asked.

"Huh- oh." He looked around, pausing as his eyes landed on mine. He looked down to his chest. "Oh, yeah forgot about that." He laughed. Can you throw me my shirt?"

"Sure." I smiled, turning around to go grab it. Then I came back, going around the counter and handing it to him.
"Here you go."

"Thank you, baby." He smiled back, pecking my cheek before putting on his shirt and turning back to the waffle maker, opening and checking it. I wrapped my arms around his waist, nuzzling my face into his back.



"I'm really happy right now..." I admitted softly, squeezing his waist.

"I'm glad..... hopefully I'm a little bit of the reason for that." He chuckled, placing his hand on mine.

"You're the only reason.....thank you." I said softly, kissing his back. "I love you."

"God innie, c'mon you're making me blush baby, stop it." He said, laughing, a little nervous.

"What??" I whined. "It's truuee..."

"I know, I know, I love you too, now go sit down so I can bring you these waffles, ok?"


I went and sat at the dining table, I scrolled on my phone for a minute or two before seungmin brought me my breakfast, I thanked him and praised him for how delicious they were, he even added cinnamon into the batter and strawberries on top. I ate the first waffle before noticing seungmin hadn't sat down......or even make himself any breakfast?

"Aren't you gonna eat?" I asked, looking up from the table.

"Hm?" He looked up from his phone. "No I'm just going to wait till our picnic, Im good." He said, looking back down.

What is he doing? I thought, seungmin apparently picked up on this after a moment, looking back up to me and raising his brow.

"I'm just searching up that cat cafe,
Looking up some of their records before I call."


"I'll go make the call while you finish your breakfast, and then we can head to the park, ok?" He smiled, walking past the table.

"Ok, sounds good.." I said, watching him walk into the living room and down the hallway.


I finished my breakfast, waiting for seungmin to come back. I suddenly became nervous as I realized he would be coming back with the feedback of how it went. I really don't want to know.....I hope they just fire chan and seungmin doesn't have to do anything more than call...... he's already doing too much for me..

Seungmin eventually walked back into the kitchen, sitting beside me. He smiled informing me that chan would be questioned and fired if they find any evidence of the incident.

I sighed out in relief, happy it was finally over.

"Alright, you want to get the food together and go to the park?" He asked.

"Yup, I'm ready."


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