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Hyunjin's eyes flashed down to mine, his hands suddenly frozen on my hips, unmoving, as if in some kind of shock. Oh God, please don't freak out..

"You want me to leave, now?" He asked, sounding almost insulted. I nodded slowly as I massaged my palms into his shoulders, attempting to keep him calm before I inevitably piss him off more.

"Yeah.... t-thats ok, right? I mean you said you were fine with going back to how it used to be." I said, mumbling quietly as I looked down between us, avoiding his eyes that were no doubt boreing into mine.

"I can't even stay the night?" He asked sharply.

"Please jinnie don't take it personally, I'm just really busy tomorrow-"

"Yeah ok, sure." He said bitterly as he pulled away from me, throwing the sheet to the side harshly. "I just made you more money than most guys get in a month, and I can't even stay the night." Hyunjin snapped, giving me the meanest look I think I've ever seen him wear, he looked so angry yet I can still see the glossiness in his eyes as he held back tears. Damn it...

"Jinnie, please." I leaned off the side of the bed, reaching out for him and grabbing his hips, he looked down at me with the same hurt, angry expression. "Jinnie, baby please don't do this, I'm not saying this to get away from you, I'm serious I really am busy tomorrow, I swear." I said, placing my hand on his cheek, cupping it as I spoke. "I'll be free tomorrow night, ok, you can come back and we can spend the night together again, no camera's."

Hyunjin's eyes instantly softened, his trembling lips suddenly still before turning up into a small smile. "Really......I can come back, tomorrow night?"

"Yeah, we can cuddle and watch a movie, is that better?" I asked. I know what I'm saying might not be the full truth but it could be, just for a while. I know this seems wrong but it's not all lies, trust me if you had to see Hyunjin's sad puppy dog eyes, you'd lie too. I just want him to be happy...

Hyunjin's smile grew wider before he leaned down to me, wrapping his arms around me in a tight hug. "That sounds lovely.." he said softly, nuzzling his nose against the back of my jaw. "I'll miss you every second."

"Uh, I'll miss you too jinnie." I said shakily, he pulled back to look into my eyes, his hand cupping my chin. "I just want you to be happy." I said.

"Thank you innie, you do make me happy." He smiled before pecking my lips.
"Ok, I'll go. Have a good rest babydoll." He said as he reached for his T-shirt and jeans. He threw his clothes on quickly and walked to the door.

"Bye jinnie...."

"Bye innie." He said with a little wave, before he turned the knob and walked out the door.

I stared towards the door for a while, was that really a mistake....of course it was....
But I do love Hyunjin....so maybe it'll be ok...

I laid back down, shutting my eyes tightly as I forced my mind to shut up, I don't want to think about this anymore.


Buzz* Buzz!* Buzz!!*

"Ugh, what the hell.." I mumbled as my eyes fluttered open, the buzzing noise kept going as my brain fog tried to clear. Oh shit, my phone. I reached to the side of me, trying to follow the sound, quickly picking up my phone and answering it at what was probably the very last second.

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