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I lifted the drunken boy up, helping him stand by grabbing his waist before instructing him to wrap his arms around my neck. He did as I said and I opened the stall door, heading for the exit.

My eyes squinted harshly as I walked into the blue strobe lights, the boy connected to me seemingly unbothered.

"Binnie!" I called as I walked past a couple people in the crowd, trying my best not to make myself or the boy I was holding on to, bump into anyone.

"Changbin, are you good? Bin?" I asked as I reached the booth, he looked up at me, actually looking relatively sober, at least compared to some others in the club.

"Who's that?" He asked slurring his words a bit, as he pointed to the raven haired younger.

"He's drunk and needs to go home, I got to go find his friend but I'm leaving him here." I explained as I set him down, taking his arms from my shoulders and placing them on his lap.

"Uh alright." Changbin said sounding unsure but clearly not really caring.

I looked to boy for another second, my stomach uneasy as I realize I was going to have to leave him. I don't know why the feeling is there, maybe because I've already seen how easy it is for him to get hurt, or maybe it's because of how weak he looks right now, his forehead beaded with sweat, his hair a layered mess.

I grabbed a napkin from the middle of the table at our booth, bringing it to the boys brow and forehead, gently dabbing away the perspiration there.

"I'm gonna be back with your friend in just a moment, ok." I assured him. "Stay put."

He nodded cutely, making me feel a bit better for walking away. I'll be back soon, it's ok..

I stood up and turned to face the noisy crowd again, glancing back to the boy and my friend, for just a moment before finally walking away.

I headed to the bar first, it was the calmest looking area after all so I thought it was a good place to start. The bar tender nodded up to me as he saw me walking up.
"What would ya like man?" He asked as he put a small vodka glass on the shelf behind him.

"Yeah, I was wondering if you've seen a Minho, around here?" I asked, he pressed his lips together and thought before shaking his head."Nah, sorry."

"What type of guy is he, different types of people tend to hang out in different areas." He explained.

"Oh well, uh actually I don't know the guy, I'm trying to find him for someone else, thanks for trying though." I said, he nodded and I quickly turned away heading to the left side of the dance floor, near the second bathroom.

I looked around realizing I had literally no description or idea of the guy at all, my mission pretty much a lost cause. I looked towards the before mentioned bathrooms, thinking that the guy might be in there, it would explain why he would be separated from his friend, maybe he felt sick and that's why he hadn't come out to find him yet. I mean that's the only reason I could ever imagine to leave that pretty boy alone. Especially when those creeps like that tall weirdo are all around this stupid place.

I walked in, sighing tiredly but relieved that there was a crowd in the small space, I don't like dealing with lots of people but at least the chance of him being in here was higher.

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