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I stood in front of the mirror, spraying on some of my newest perfume, placing a dab on my neck and spreading a line of it across each collarbone.

I smile to myself as I run my fingers through my bangs, my hair looks perfect and my skin is the cleanest it's been all month. Perfect for the camera.

I know I don't really know this chan guy very well, I mean leeknow might be right, he could say no but I doubt it. Most guys are just dreaming about someone coming up to them and asking to make a sex tape, I mean all the idiots I've met anyway. I'm just making their stupid little dreams a reality, they think I want to record because I'm just so attracted to them, but In reality I just want content for my stream. And yes I know, you're probably thinking that's messed up but don't worry, I always make sure their faces aren't in the shot, I don't mind ruining my own reputation, but ruining others is too far. I'm not into that.

I glance into the bedroom as the ringing of my phone catches my attention, I quickly cross the room jumping on my bed and picking up the phone, immediately answering.

"Hi chan~" I greeted.

"Hey jeongin listen I'm so sorry, I have to cancel our date." He said hurriedly, sounding truly sad about his cancellation. I couldn't exactly say I didn't feel the same, my smile from before, long gone now.

"Oh..uh, why?"

"My mom's really sick, there's just a whole bunch of stuff involving her condition and I have to be there with her tonight, I'm sorry."

" no, no that's ok. Well I'm really sorry about that chan, I was looking forward to it.." i said glumly as I stared down at my bed, contemplating what to do next.

"Yeah, me too. Maybe I'll call you another time, or maybe we can talk a bit more when you visit the cafe again." He suggested.

"Hm, yeah yeah, sure."

"Ok, well sorry again jeongin, uh bye."

"Bye chan.." I said before hearing the call go silent, I put down my phone and looked over at my other phone, already set up on a large tripod in the corner of the room.

"Welp, shit." I say aloud as I realized I did all this for nothing. No chan, no sex, no stream. No donations..

Well I guess I could make a video by myself....but that sucks...

I look out the window and see the sun on the horizon, the sky getting darker by the second. I pick my phone back up and look at the time, smiling again as I realize I'm not too late.

I pick out Felixs contact click on it, holding the phone to my ear as it rings.

"Hey what's up?" He asked. I sighed, relieved that he answered but embarrassed to admit my plans had gotten canceled.

"Hey Lix, wait outside the club for me I'm still coming."

Huh, I thought you had that thing with that barista, did he actually not want to do the videos??" Felix asked, sounding surprised.

"Nah" I shook my head. "He had some emergency with a family member." I admitted, admittedly sounding defeated.

"Ahh damn, that's too bad." Felix said.
"Oh also another bad thing, me and leeknow are kinda already in the club."

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