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"st-stupid minho." I mumbled. I was sitting in the middle of my bed, against the headboard as I let all my pillows drown me, periodically reaching for my blanket to wipe my eyes with.

My body count isn't that high....I-i don't need therapy... right? Minho just wants me all to himself so he can feel like he actually does something for somebody, but he doesn't do shit! 

I grabbed my pillow throwing it across the room. "F-fuck you...m-minho.."

Im never talking to him again......he can clearly live without me, since I'm apparently just such a bad person..

Like he's so perfect.... it's not my fault I didn't spend the better half of my life being stuck in the friend zone, like he did. I mean that's obviously why he's mad, he doesn't care about me...... he's just jealous... yeah..

It doesn't matter.... I'll show him how wrong he is soon enough.. me and seungmin are gonna have a super healthy and perfect relationship.....i just have to fix some stuff first.

I'm gonna be the most perfect boyfriend ever! I'll take good care of Minnie, and love him just as much as stupid minho thinks he loves Lix.. i sniffled, wiping my nose with the cuff of my shirt. I'll cuddle and kiss him and I'll do everything I can to be exactly what he needs...

I'm not a heart belongs to one boy now...


I had fallen asleep, still crying a little as I thought of what I could do to make seungmin more happy, what would he want me to do..?

I walked into the kitchen, making myself a bowl of cereal for a quick breakfast before I go back to the cafe.

Maybe I should do what Felix said and just wait it out..

But it's always better to admit a lie as soon as possible.... right? Hm..I don't know..

Oh, wait it's Saturday tomorrow, I should text seungmin to give him a good morning text and remind him of our date.

I grabbed my phone from beside my bowl of frosted flakes and clicked on seungmins contact. Oohh speaking of, maybe I should change his name in my phone.


Perfect! That's cute and romantic right? Yeah I'm pretty sure that's good..

Good morning Minnie ❤️

Minnie 🐶🩷
Morning innie, I think
This is the first time
We've ever texted lol

I'm sorry
I'll try to text more often

No, no it's ok
I prefer hearing your voice
On the phone actually

Should I call you?

Please do❤️


Holy shit, omg omg omg! Seungmin asked me to call him..

I quickly clicked his contact again, putting the phone to my ear. I looked down noticing my frosted flakes were getting soggy..
Eh whatever.

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