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"Oh yeah, yeah now I'm starting to remember, it's Kim right?" I asked, my foggy recollection of events slowly starting to come back.

"Yeah, that's correct, you remember." He confirmed, laughing lightly. Ahh even his laugh is handsome
"Alright....well I'm happy I could clear up some of last night, be so safe, ok?" He said sounding as if he was about to hang up.

"Huh, oh yeah of course but......can't we talk a little longer." I asked

leeknow had walked in by now and sat back down in the chair next to me, he was looking up at me as he continued eastdropping. He made a cringed pained face as he heard my desperate question towards seungmin. "Ew, down bad or what?" Minho teased in a whispered.

"Oh shut up!" I whispered back as I took the phone off speaker then swatting my hand at minho. Then I quickly turned back to the phone as seungmin started to speak.

"Oh uh sure, do you have any other questions?" Seungmin asked.

"Uhh, no I just thought maybe we could keep talking, you seem really sweet.." i admitted, ignoring minho as he pretended to throw up beside me.

"Hm? Oh....thank you. You seemed very sweet too-"

"I some how doubt that!" Leeknow interrupted, yelling towards the phone, I quickly cussed him out, once again in a whisper before turning my attention back to seungmin.

"I'm so sorry about him, he's just mad at something stupid he did last night." I explained to seungmin, Pacifically mentioning the reasoning just to piss min off, it worked of course. He sat back in his chair folding his arms as he turned away from me and towards the large window beside him.

"That's ok." The brunette laughed. "But yeah It wasn't the worst experience having to take you home, I enjoyed it."

Omgomgomg, he enjoyed being with me!!

"Oh, really. I'm glad I wasn't too much trouble?"

"No, not at all." He confirmed, I could only smile at his words, I really am glad I didn't embarrass myself too badly in front of him.

"Seungmin can I ask you something?"

"Yeah sure, go ahead."

"Are you single? I would love to take you out somewhere." I asked, my heart for some reason pounding in my ears, I have no clue why, I mean I'm pretty sure he likes guys and he probably thinks I'm cute right?

I was pretty drunk though, oh God what if I looked like a ugly mess....shit. why isn't he responding!??

"Really? Oh and yes I'm single." He spoke snapping me back to reality.
"I would love to go somewhere with you, that sounds lovely." He added, his voice was so happy and light. Omg minho is right, I am simping a little too hard, what is wrong with me?? Im literally standing here as a grown ass man holding back a giggle, what is this highschool??

"Great, could you come by my place... maybe tomorrow morning, if you're free then?" I asked, hoping he'd say yes so I didn't have to wait too long.

"Sure that'll work, my shift is more into the later evening so that's perfect, plus I'm a morning person anyway." He said.

"Oh I am too!" I replied.
"Uh will around nine be good?"

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