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( The next morning*)


"Innie, innie.."

"Hm?" I mumbled before opening my eyes, drowsily. "What..?" I groaned.

"I have to go, innie." Seungmin said, quietly. Nudging my shoulder.

"What, Why!?" I whined, immediately sitting up. Admittedly, becoming light headed.
"I thought you were gonna stay for breakfast?" I asked.

"I know.....I'm sorry but it's already ten." He said.

"What? well why didn't you get me up earlier?"

"I'm sorry innie, you looked like you're enjoying your rest so much, I didn't want to wake you."

"That's ridiculous, y'know I wanted you to get me up!" I complained, seungmin nodded, with knitted brows.

"I know, I'm sorry I just didn't have the heart to wake you." He said. Of course this didn't make me feel much better since I'll be spending almost all day alone.

"It's ok, innie I'll try to come back tonight but if not, I'll call you, I promise." He said, getting off the bed as he spoke. What the hell, he's already dressed? Back in his jeans and sweater before even waking me up..

"So you're leaving right now?" I asked.

"Yeah, I'm sorry innie, but it's really not that big of a deal, I'll probably come over for a little, later, and we can spend all next weekend together, ok?"

"O-ok." I mutterd. My chest suddenly feeling heavy as seungmin put on his shoes and walks past me, perfectly content with leaving.

Shit....why is this even bothering me..

"Bye jeongin." He said as he opened the front door, I sat facing him on the bed, frozen. "Bye.."


(Leeknow POV*)

Me and Felix hopped out of the shower, just quickly cleaning up after our morning together..... again, finally.

Felix got out first, wrapping a towel over his tiny waist before looking back at me, handing me my own as I got out after him.
We spent a little longer in the bathroom then intended once finishing our bath. Now that I finally had him, it was difficult to control myself, especially since Felix fully indulged me. Letting me kiss and caress him anytime I wanted, which was pretty much any time he was near..

But after we actually were done in my bathroom we decided to make breakfast together, eggs and bacon more specifically.
We sat at the table, Felix moving a chair from one side of the table to the other, putting it with mine.

It's obvious to anyone that I'm infatuated with Felix, I mean I've been in love with him for the past year and finally I can act on it, so it's no surprise, but despite my literal dreams coming true.........I'm still bothered with my worries over jeongin. Me and Felix always discuss our worries for him, though me and Lix don't usually agree on each aspect of what's wrong, we still often concern ourselves with him, he's like my little brother and like an older brother to Felix. So stupidly I thought I'd bring it up now.

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