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Felix stayed over for awhile, maybe two hours or so, I decided since he was there I'd ask him if Minho was still upset with me. He acted surprised, apparently thinking I would have been the one to still be mad.

But of course I explained I wasn't really ever that mad with him, I just can't always control my emotions sometimes..... even the really stupid ones. Felix asked me to call minho later today, so I could explain and he wouldn't be worried anymore.

I was sitting on the couch, Felix had just texted me which reminded to call minho. I paused the TV and clicked on his contact, putting the call on speaker.

"Innie?" He answered almost immediately.

"Hi min...I'm really sorry I haven't called you sooner, and I'm also really sorry about what I said that day-"

"That's ok jeongin, I was more worried about you." He said.

"Yeah... Felix mentioned that, I'm sorry, I'm the worst."

"No, no I'm the worst innie, you were already mad and then I said that and I knew it would have made it worse, it was stupid."

"Well it's ok now." I said, smiling as I tried to think of a way to lift up the mood.
"And Im really glad you and Lix are together, I'm super happy for you min."

"Thanks, I am too." Minho said, I could almost hear the proud smirk on his face.
"But speaking of relationships and stuff, Felix said you're really liking that Kim seungmin guy?"

"Oh yeah definitely." I smiled. "And listen I know I haven't been the most loving person the last couple of years, but I really am trying to get better, it's..... difficult, but I am, and seungmin is helping me so much and he doesn't even know it.."

"Do you two are really dating?" He asked.

"Yup, first we went to the cat cafe, then a nice diner that seungmin picked out, then the park and he just stayed over last night- but guess what?"


"We didn't sleep together." I said proudly.

"Really? But- you just said-"

"I know, I know but we didn't, we just cuddled instead, it was actually pretty nice, I kinda forgot what it felt like to cuddle." I joked.

"Wow, Im impressed innie, good job."

"Thank you, I definitely am having trouble with some parts of it....but seungmin is so sweet he makes everything easier."

"That's great jeongin" minho said warmly. "you don't know how happy I am to hear that, but y'know I want to meet him soon, he better be just as sweet and perfect in real life or I-"


"What? I'm just saying!"


(Seungmin POV*)

Me and binnie finally got done with looking at potential apartments, changbin being so picky we didn't even find one he would even consider till the very last one.

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