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(jeongin POV)


It was the next day and just as I had told seungmin, I planned to go get a job today, I was thinking all night about what I could do, something easy and chill, so I wouldn't be bored but also would have plenty of time for seungmin.

I had already put on the outfit I had picked out last night, a well fitted pair of black jeans with a dark blue polo, topped off with a pretty white belt to match the polo logo on my chest.

I went down to the apartment parking lot, getting in my car and heading to the cat cafe. And yes, I am going to try to get hired there. I know it might sound weird but I'm already a regular and I'm cool with that cute chan guy, so he'll probably help me out. It's been at least a month since we planned our date so I bet he isn't too hung up on the idea of us being together, so I think everything will go smoothly.


I walked into the cafe, my credentials and experience in my hand, most of it is made up.....not that I'll need it anyway.

I walked up to the counter, noticing it was the pink haired girl from me and seungmins first date, working today.

"Hi, I saw a sign you had up front a couple days ago, and was wondering if you're still hiring?" I asked.

"Oh, yes, yes we are, we're really getting popular lately and would love some new staff- wait, I recognize you." She said excitedly. "You're a regular right?
Ja- jeongin?"

"Yup, that's me." I nodded.

"Ok, great." She smiled. "Well let me go get you a copy of the application to fill out and you can come back with it tomorrow, is that ok?" She asked.

"Yeah, of course, Im the one trying to get the job afterall, it's whatever your boss is cool with." I joked.

She laughed with a nod. "I don't think you'll have to worry about that, our boss is cool." She said before hiding her mouth behind her hand, "and desperate." She whispered before excusing herself to go get the paper.

After just thirty seconds or so, she was back.
"Here you go, jeongin. Have a nice day."

"Thanks, you to."


It had been a couple hours since I went to the cafe, and now I was with Felix and min at a restaurant Minho had found. Which of course I thought was a bit weird at first, since they're a couple now and all, but it didn't seem to be too different so far, they always acted a bit more touchy then most anyway, so it didn't really seem to change that dynamic much. Not that I probably would have even cared at the moment, working on my application for the cat Cafe instead of paying much attention to the conversation going on In front of me.

"I'm just saying Lix, I'm pretty sure you're getting the dates wrong."

"Oh whatever, min." Felix scoffed. "You're just salty cuz I know the exact day and you thought I wouldn't come with the recipes." He said, a victorious smirk on his face.

Minho just rolled his eyes, his arms already folded. "No, I remember exactly when I fell for you and it was much later than that." He said plainly, not looking at the younger as he spoke.

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