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After we got done with our early dessert we went back to watching TV on the couch, slightly bickering over seungmins previous teasing. Very cruel..

"Shouldn't have been so impatient, love." He argued with a grin, leaning back against the sofa, stretching out his arms.

"You're such a brat, If you weren't gatekeeping the proper way to eat cake I wouldn't have had too." I whined.

"Aaww innies mad cuz he wants to be my dessert, doesn't he?"


"Hm?" He smiled, reaching to
play with my bangs.


"Mhm, it's ok baby, you can admit it." He said, tilting up his chin proudly. "Ow!"

I punched his shoulder. "Be quiet" I scolded.
"No more teasing or else I'm gonna kick you out." I said. He rubbed his shoulder, fixing his sleeve.

"Alright, alright no need for domestic violence, damn..."

"That's what I thought." I huffed, scooting over to sit in his lap. I'm perfectly aware that's not a common way to celebrate winning an argument, but it's where I wanted to sit, so shut up.

Seungmin gave a noticeable "hm?" As I did, he grabbed my waist, pulling me against his chest.

"Such a lovable brat." He said fondly, nuzzling his nose under my jaw. "So cute.."

I ignored him as best I could but he just kept cooeing and saying sweet crap, my face no doubt gaining a pinkish hue despite my annoyance.

"Innie?" He asked in between kissing my cheek repeatedly.

"Hm?" I turned my head, my expression still showing my irritation.

"Well.... since I already know that we're going to be doing tonight~" he said, pausing to squeeze my waist. "What are we going to do tomorrow? Since I'll have you all day?" He smiled, an innocent smile this time, before pecking my cheek again.

"Oh!" I said, suddenly remembering the plans me and leeknow had made a couple days ago. "I almost forgot, we have plans with leeknow and Felix.....I mean, if you want to go?"

"Hm? Oh- uh sure, that sounds good, I'd like to properly meet them."

"Ok, great, we're going on a double date, I think we're probably just going to be having dinner." I explained.

"Oh ok, do they have a place picked out?" Seungmin asked.

"Oh- I'm not sure, guess I should ask huh?" I joked.

"I think that would be best." He teased back, lightly laughing.

"Ok! I'll go text them." I said hopping off seungmin's lap and quickly heading over to my phone.


It was the next day, seungmin and I woke up a little late in the day but of coarse had plenty of time to get ready for our date.

We hung out for a couple hours, ordering some food for a quick, easy lunch. But eventually the time was arriving pretty close to our scheduled date time, seungmin and I both heading out of the apartment, on our way to a cute Chinese restaurant Felix had picked out.

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