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Now that I had opened my window I could hear the light sounds of the morning, bird's chirping, a soft wind following the sound of a soft truck engine as someone drove by on their way to work. So nice..

I just got up about thirty minutes ago, it's eight twenty so I still have plenty of time to get the outfit I planned yesterday on, it's just a tight sweater top with baggy stressed blue jeans. Pretty simple but it's cute.

Leeknow hasn't texted me, thankfully. And Lix hasn't either, I'm a bit more concerned about that though, I know Felix is sensitive and whatever him and leeknow said to each other the other night are probably driving him crazy.

I'm standing in front of the mirror checking my reflection, my eyes travel to each part of my face making sure there isn't any new noticeable acne or discoloration. There's the usual bags under my eyes but that's it. I reach down for my concealer, drawing a triangle over the area before blending it over. Alright... good.

The light of my phone catches my eye as it dings. huh?


I pick it up, sighing as I realize I'm correct, I know he probably needs to vent which is obviously fine but what am i supposed to say right now? 'oh sorry Im getting ready for a date, so please shut up about your feelings?' yeah, no.

I decide to ignore it, I'll just say I didn't see the notification, Felix isn't the type to pry, he'll believe it.


After swiping through Instagram for a few moments on my bed, I get another text. I perk up, literally saying "oh" out loud as I see it's from seungmin. I hop of my bed and make my way out the door as I text him that I'm coming down.

The walls in my apartment are white and black with a glossy finish to the design. The stairs are similar but all white, the marble like texture causing a click sound as my short heals quickly trot down each step.

"Oop" I slow as I realized I could possibly be fucking up my bangs. Wait why did I even take the stairs? Great now I'm probably sweating.......damn it, whatever.

I walk out the ball room esc lobby and out into the bright sun light, awkwardly looking back and forth for seungmins familiar face, trying my hardest not to squint
my eyes as I do.


Oh, I turn around right as seungmin steps out from behind a beaten up gray Honda. His bangs bouncing lightly as he tilts his head to the side, in an awkward but friendly greeting.

"Oh hi." I say as I walk towards him.

"Hey" he says back as he opens the passenger side door to the previously mentioned Honda. Wait, is this actually his car...?

I sit down and smile up at him as he walks around the front and back to the driver's seat. "So we're we going?" I asked, leaning over to him a bit as I rested my arm on the center council.

"Well I had a couple places in mind, but then I realized none of them were really open at this time, so I was thinking maybe a coffee place instead, my friend changbin put me on to this one cat cafe actually-"

"Latte tails?" I asked, hoping it was my usual favorite place.

"Oh, yeah, you like that place?" He asked, glancing over at me as he put both hands on the stirring wheel, pulling out of the parking lot.

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