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(Smut warning~)
(Jeongin POV*)


It was around ten at night now, the sky was fully dark outside and the apartment was almost completely dark. Thankfully for the moon light I could still see seungmin beneath me, looking up at me with those big brown puppy eyes, i think we could be in the most unholy of positions and he'd still look at me like that. So lovingly...

His hands were rested on my ass, giving it soft squeezes as we kissed, I think with any one else I'd probably be naked by now, but I just can't seem to pull away. He really is such a good kisser...

I let my hands trail down his body, messily unbuttoning his jeans as we still continued kissing. Seungmin smirked against my mouth as I fully unzipped his pants, stopping our make out session to help me pull them off, quickly throwing them to the floor beside the bed.

He tilted his head, smiling at me teasingly as he took off his shirt next, now only in his black boxers. "That should make things easier." He joked, placing his hand under my chin, staring into my eyes looking almost just as obsessed with me, as I am of him.
"Come here baby." He said, before pulling me into another deep kiss.

"Ah!" I yelped as he harshly hoisted me up by my thighs, quietly chuckling at my surprised reaction.

"S-Seungmin." I mumbled.

"Yes, love?" He asked, bringing his hands up to my hips, slipping his thumb under the strap of my panties, giving me an innocent smile the entire time.


why the hell can't I form words right now, omg who turned the air conditioning off, I feel like I'm sweating my ass off..

Omg why is he looking at me like that....God he's so fucking fine..

"P-please, hurry up Minnie." I managed to mutter out. Seungmin nodded, already pulling down my underwear over my ass.

"So impatient.." he teased. "Now Should I keep the garters on while we make love, or should I take them off?" He asked, playing with the cloth of the garter.
"I mean, it just looks so cute on you....but, then again, it also means less access to your pretty thick thighs.."

"Minnie.. you're teasing me again." I whined.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry" he chuckled. "Let me just take them off....then I can show those squishy thighs the attention they deserve." He smiled.

"They're not that squishy.." I mumbled.

"Oh really?" He asked, tightly grabbing my waist before switching our places, putting me on my back while he was sitting in between my legs, looking down at me.
He untied my corset, throwing it onto the floor. Then he smiled up at me again, grabbing my thighs with both hands.

"I think they're quite squishy." He said "enough to eat even." He joked, leaning his head in-between my legs, lifting up my leg to give himself greater access, kissing and biting at the back of my thighs.

"Ahh~ seungmin y-you're torturing me." I complained with a huff, watching as he continued to kiss and lick around my lower half, without ever actually giving it any real attention. God why is he like this..

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