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I looked through my makeup bag as I scanned for the perfect concealer, the usual purple splotches under my eyes looking even worse this morning, probably cause of the crying....Idk..

I finally picked out the right one and applied it before doing my lips next, deciding to go with "floral sex" my favorite color, a pastel red, super subtle but sexy.

I walked out of the bathroom and towards the full body mirror beside my bed, looking over the outfit I had picked. It was a light pink sweater with a bit of a mushroom shape to the ends.....not very

Ok, whatever I'll just go something else on real quick. I walked out of my room and past the kitchen to my larger closet. I still wanted to go with pink so I looked in that section. I combed through the options before finally finding something perfect, a translucent pink button down, that would go perfectly with my black shorts I have on too.

Then I threw those on and looked in the mirror again "yup perfect, I can imagine seungmin taking this off me" I joked to myself, before turning around and going over to the kitchen counter, where I had left my keys.


"Hm? Oh" perfect timing, that should be minnie now. I checked the notification, confirming my guess that he had arrived.

I took a deep breath before straightening out the bottom of my top and quickly heading out the door. I was excited to have a cute boy distract me for the day, hopefully I'll get more time with him than last like for him to stay over finally..

My feet tapped loudly down the steps as I didn't want to waste any time, I slowed as the morning sun hit my face and I noticed seungmins fimilar car right next to mine.

I saw him through the windshield, smiling and giving me a small wave before stepping out to greet me, similarly to last time.

"Hi seungmin." I said as jogged closer to him.

"Hi innie, your ready?"

"Yup" i nodded, he laughed "ok sounds good" before turning to get back in the vehicle before pausing and looking over.

"Damn, that's a nice car." He said looking over to the BMW"Even your neighbors got expensive taste, huh?" He joked.

"Ya wanna ride?" I smirked, holding up the keys and jingling them around. He looked at me with slightly parted lips and wide eyes.

"Wait, that's your's?" He asked, I nodded walking over to the front of my car.

"Yup, would you like to drive it, handsome?" I asked, he froze for a moment, his cheeks becoming red. Hmm... he likes to be spoiled? and called handsome, Ok, I'll keep that in mind..

"Oh my gosh, really? I- mean no, I probably shouldn't, it's too nice of a vehicle." He said waving his hands in front of him dismissively.

"No it's not, c'mon it'll be fun." I said before tossing him the keys. He hastily caught them mid air, almost tripping on the sidewalk ledge.

"Uh- oh ok." He said before finally walking past his car and over to mine, sitting in the driver's seat.

"Wow, this so cool." He said in awe as he started up the engine, and ripped his hands over the leather steering wheel.

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