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Our large stack of strawberry waffles had arrived, extra whipped cream on top and a medium milkshake In one of those tall glass cups, for the drink, seungmin asked the waitress for two straws for the one drink, so we could share. Very cute

The Seungin cut the pieces of waffle into little symmetrical squares, picking out a particular piece with lots of whipped cream and a slice of the strawberry. "Here you go." He said handing me the handle of the fork.

"Oh- thanks." I smiled, taking the fork and eating the bite.

"You like it?" He asked. I nodded happily.


He smiled sweetly "good, don't eat too fast though, ok?"

"Ok- wait why?" I asked, turning to look at him with raised brows.

"Hiccups, they're annoying and painful sometimes, that's all." He clarified, he looked into my eyes, probably making sure I didn't take it the wrong way.

"Oh, ok thanks." I smiled, nudging him playfully before picking up another piece. "I'll be careful" I took another bite, watching seungmin as he did the same, his pretty lips going over the soft bread, chewing on one side of his mouth, making his cheek stick out cutely.


"Yeah?" He asked, covering his mouth as he turned to me.

"Can you tell me more about your job, at the hospital?" I asked. He took a moment to chew and swallow his food then quickly answered.

"y-yeah what would you like to know?" He asked, wiping his bottom lip with a napkin.

"How did you decide to be a nurse, do you like it?"

"Oh, uh well my dad wanted me to be a doctor....and I always had straight As so I thought I'd try.." he said. I pressed my lips together as I tried to understand what he was saying....why a nurse then..?

"But when I started to hang around other people training in the field, I realized being a doctor wasn't for dad was pissed...but it all worked out right? So it's fine." He said, looking away from me at the end, staring at the plate instead.

"Why would your dad be upset, nurses do just as much as doctors right? If not more" I argued. How could any parent be disappointed in seungmin, he's like the son in law of my parents dreams..

"Yeah....but it doesn't sound as nice.... doesn't pay as well either.." he mutterd bitterly. I put my hand on the back of his head, patting and petting him.

"You shouldn't let stuff like that bother you seungmin, trust me you're a much better son than most, definitely better than me." I said jokingly at the end, i didn't mean to bring down the mood, he was smiling and perfectly happy before I brought it up..

"It doesn't bother me, I'm fine." He said putting on a smile. "I'm sorry if I brought down the mood."

"No, no you didn't do that." I said hastily. "You were just being honest, it's ok, you can tell me more if ya want?" I suggested.

"Um no it's ok, it's all pretty boring stuff anyway, can I ask you more about your job?" He asked, changing the subject to me....and my...job..

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