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Chapter 8 Lillian's  P.O.V.

We all got on to the bus and I walked right to my bunk. I put all of my stuff in my bunk, I turned and saw Jake climbing into his bunk.

"Jake," I said.

"Yea Lilla?" He said climbing down from his bunk and facing me.

"Can I sleep with you?" I asked.

"Sure, but why? Don't get me wrong, I want to sleep with you," he said.

"There are scary monsters in my bunk," I said like a little kid.

"Okay, come on in," he said sliding into his bunk. I slid in right next to him, he moved his arms around my waist.

"Sweet dreams," I whispered.

"Love you," he said kissing my hair. Within minutes he was fast asleep. I could feel his chest rising and falling, it is so soothing.


I am running down a long white hallway. I cannot see an end to it, all of a sudden I smack into a glass wall. I am frantically looking around the hallway, looking for a way out. No way out, how in the fuck did I get in here?

"Your such an emo fag," a voice said.  I looked around the room to see where it was coming from, no where. Then I recognized the voice, it was Jaime. She is a girl who bullied me at school.

"What the hell? What is going on !?!?!?!?" I screeched.

"No, one will ever love you, look at you. You are hideous, no one will ever date you," she spat. At this point it really got to me, I was balling. I am confused and all alone.

"Jake please help me," I muttered through sobs. Then the wall opened up and reveals a door and someone was walking through it.

"Mom! "I scream.

"Come on darling," she says.

"Are we leaving?" I asked.

"Yes," she said as she started to run. I tried to keep up , but she was too fast. She took me down what looked like a mental ward. With no other rooms, except one. As we were running we stumbled upon a big metal door, with a sign on it that said EXIT. I sighed, finally out of here. I opened it and it led to a town. The town was burned and abandoned. I walked  out the door and looked for my mom. But there was no sign of her, she seemed to disappear into thin air.

"Mom?" I called, no answer.

"Hello?" I heard this little girl say.

"Hello? Where are you?" I asked.

"Here," she replied. I saw her walk out of what looked like a make shift house. This was really strange, and the fact of this town being in the middle of a desert just creeped me out the most.

"Hi there little one," I said.

"Hi, are you here to save me?" She asked.

"What do you mean save?" I questioned. 

"F.E.A.R. has taken over and I have no family left," she cried.

"Okay. Who is F.E.A.R?" I asked.

"F.E.A.R. is this evil creation that controls everything. There are Rebels, but they are all captured. I  am apart of the Rebels and so is my family," she said.

"Oh darling its okay. By the way my name is Lilla," I said.

"My name is Jade, could you help get my family back?" She asked.

"Sure, I'll try," I said. We walked all through this abandoned town. It was FREAKY. Then we came upon this big building with a weird symbol on it. I think this is where the supposed F.E.A.R. is.

"This is where they are," she said. I saw someone running out of the building. It was C.C., he looked shocked and defeated.

"C.C.!" I squealed.

"Lilla! What are you doing here?" C.C. questioned.

"Here to save Jade's family, what are you doing?" I asked.

"Oh, I tried to save the Rebels," he said.

"How can we get in?" I asked.

"We can make it through the doors. But after that we need to sneak around, so the Shadows don't get us. The Shadows are the minions of F.E.A.R." He said.

"Is F.E.A.R. everywhere?" I asked.

"Pretty close, but we need to knock out the 'mega bitch'," he said. He was fully aware that there was a small child next to me. But with today's society she has probably heard it all.

"Mega bitch?" I asked.

"Jaime," he said.

"Fuck, no wonder why I heard her voice," I said.

"Were you in the hospital?" He asked.

"Yes," I said. We walked into through the door, we quickly hid because we saw the Shadows. And at the end of this dark hallway there was a door. C.C., Jade, and I walked in............. I saw Andy, Jinxx, and Jake all chained to a wall. Andy and Jake were hanging there dead. Jinxx looked barely alive.

"ANDY, JAKE, JINXX!" I screeched dropping to the floor and I saw Jaime there holding a whip.


 wake up darling," Jake said shaking me. I was crying, that was a terrible dream.

"What happened? I heard you screaming," Andy said after he ran over and pulling open the blind.

"I had this strange nightmare," I said. I told them all about it, their eyes widened.

"That is weird......." C.C. said.

"I know," I said.

"Did you climb in with Jake after your nightmare?" Andy questioned getting all serious.

"No, I took a nap with him. I asked him, so don't even think about yelling at him," I said.

"Okay, you know me too well," Andy said.

"Yea, I'm your sister. I have only lived with you for how many years," I said.

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