Your Not Alone.

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Chapter 26 Jake's P.O.V.

I woke up to Trixy licking my face. I pushed her off and turned over to look at the clock that said it was 8:00 am. I put on my t- shirt and got up to let Trixy out. I went over to the back door and walked out. I had sat in one of the chairs. It was nice outside, remembering when I went out for a walk with Lilla. After a few minutes Trixy came back by me and we went back inside. I had went to my bedroom to get changed, also I picked out clothes for Lilla. A little note had fallen out of the pile of clothes. It read:

Dear Lilla,

I hope you are having a good time. I know dad and I miss you very much. I also know that there have been many times that you have hated us as parents. But we only love and care for you. You know that you can call me anytime you need me. Call me once in a while to keep me up to date. :)

Love Mom <3

It was kinda heart warming, I think this is why she was crying. Now it is time to go pick her up. I filled Trixy's bowls up with food and water. Then I grabbed my keys, put Trixy in her kennel and locked the door behind me. I sat down in the driver seat, heading for the hospital. I entered the hospital parking lot and walked into the hospital.

"How may I help you sir?" The receptionist asked.

"I would like to release Miss Lillian Rose Biersack." I said.

"You may and she is in room 1628. Third wing, you should be able to find her room." She said.

"Thank you," I said heading off to her room. It was quite a walk and I went into the elevator. I felt a tap on my shoulder.

"Jake Pitts?" A lady asked.

"Yes that would be me, and you are?" I asked.

"Julie Sharper, my daughter loves you guys. Could I ask a small favor of you?" She said.

"You may," I said.

"Could you possibly stop by my daughters room?" She asked.

"I could, may I ask why she is here?" I said.

"Long reasons." She said as the door opened. She went out and I followed her to her daughter's room. Her daughter was in the third wing too.

"Sarah guess who I ran into." Julie said. I walked right in behind Julie. Sarah's face lit up as she saw me.

"Hi Sarah," I said waving.

"H-h-i-i J-J-Jake," she said.

"Hows it going?" I asked.

"O-o-kay-y, y-y-o-ou?" She replied.

"Good, ave you ever been to a concert?" I asked.

"No-o-o," she said. I saw bandages around her wrists, I got worried. I think I knew why she is here.

"Without offending you, may I ask why you have bandages?" I asked cautiously.

"Because.......... I........" She said trailing. My face filled with horror and I saw hers did too.

"Don't worry I don't judge. I know someone very dear who has too." I said.

"May I ask who?" She asked.

"I am sure you are up to date and know who Lilla is."

"Yes, is she here right now?"

"Yes, but not for that reason. She was not feeling good and blacked out."

"Oh, wow. When did she get here?"

"Two days, I was going to get her out. The doctors said she could come back home."

"Wow, fast release."

"If you don't mind I could go get her."

"Oh, could you?"

"I will, give me 5 minutes." I said, she nodded. I walked out of the room to get Lilla. It was just a little bit of a walk to her room. Lilla was awake and watching tv.

"Hello, well someone is up early." I said.

"Yea, could not sleep," she said.

"Sorry, I have a question for you."

"Go ahead."

"Could you possibly visit a fan down the hall?"

"Yea, I would love to meet them. How?"

"I ran into the mom in the elevator."

"I'll buzz the nurse to help me." She buzzed the nurse, and the nurse helped her. I handed her the bag with her clothes in it. Within 5 minutes she came back out.

"You are free to go Miss Biersack." The doctor said.

"Thank you," she said.

"Her room is just down the hall," I said. She nodded and we walked into Sarah's room. It was an amazing feeling to brighten Sarah's day.

Lillian's P.O.V.

"Hi Sarah, I bet you know who I am."

"Yea, you and the guys are my role models."

"Thanks," Jake and I said.

"Sarah, I have something to show you." I said moving to her side, I could already tell why she was here. I looked her in the eyes and said.

"Look." Pointing at my wrists. She looked at me in the eyes with a surprised look.


"Within a month. All I have to say is you are not alone. And trust me, there is a point when you really feel alone. And I want to let you know you are loved, it may not be right now that you realize it. But you will, and know it or not...... I care about you." I said. I saw her about ready to cry.

"Thank you, you are the sweetest person," she said.

"Thank you. Do you have a facebook?" I asked.

"Yes, I will friend you."

"Talk to me anytime you need me."

"Okay, I probably will once I get out of this hell hole."

"It totally is."

"Yea, it is going to be long."

"I need to go, but try not to for me. Okay?"

"I will try, good bye Lilla," she said hugging me. I got up and went to the door frame, turned around and waved. Then Jake and I walked out to the car.

"Would you like to go out to breakfast?" He asked.

"Yes please," I said. He opened my car door then went around to his side and got in.

"It is so nice to be with you," he said.

"It really is," I smiled. He turned and looked at me. He moved a hand to caress my face. His face moved closer to mine. Our lips met, the scent of Jake was back. Oh god did I miss that. I don't care that it has only been a few days. Then we broke the kiss.

"Trixy misses you," he says.

"That was random, but I get she does."

"Lets go."

"Lets go get some food! Real food!" Then we both broke out laughing.

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