Like A Walk In The Park

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Chapter 19 Lillian's P.O.V.

"Ready to go?" Jake asked.

"Yea, should I put Trixy on a leash? "I asked. We were about ready to go for a walk. It is so nice outside, the weather was in the 80s to 90s. I had a black tank top and shorts on.

"Yes, I'll get it." He said getting her leash that was sitting on top of her kennel. We put her leash on and headed out the door. And again it was so bright I put my sunglasses on, so did Jake. Yes I have batman sunglasses, I know I am cool. Don't judge.

"It is nice out here," I said.

"Could not agree more," he said.

"So where are we all walking?" I asked.

"Just around the block," he said.

"Okay," I said. It is nice to walk around in the urban areas and see everyone. As we were walking there were little kids playing outside. Most of the little kids wanted to pet Trixy. Jake let the little kids, I don't believe Trixy would hurt a fly. We came back to the house.

"Do you want to stay outside or go back in?" He asked.

"Is it possible if we drop Trixy off at the house and we walk to the park?" I asked.

"Sure, I don't think we will be gone that long." He said. We walked inside and let Trixy in too. Jake put her in the kennel while I went to the bathroom. Then I came out, and Jake asked

"Should we bring bottles of water?"

"Yea, let me grab my purse," I said. Jake came with me as I walked into the guest bedroom. The 2 water bottle fit perfectly in my purse. Then we went outside and it was about 5 minute walk back to the park. The first thing I saw were the swings.

"OOOOO can we go on the swings?" I asked.

"Yea I guess, you can be such a child sometimes," he said.

"I know, there can be a weakess in everyone." I said, going on the swings. Jake joined me, then I added.

"When I was little I thought I could fly." I said.

"I think every little kid does. It would be funny to see you fly off." He said.

"Do you ever swing to a certain height and jump off?" I asked.

"Yes you?" He questioned.

"Yes, I think it is a stupid idea now." I replied.

"Yea kinda you could break bones easier," he said.

"What do you want to do now?" I asked.

"I don't know," he said.

"Somtimes I just sit out here and bask in the sun," I said.

"Yea, and to spend it with the most amazing girl I know," he said.

"Thanks and to spend it with the most wondeful guy I know," I said smiling at him.

"Anytime, you know it is true. And I am just so happy with you," he said.

"I am too, and somtimes I believe it is all a dream." I said.

"And why would you say that?" He asked, sounding worried and concerned.

"It seems to good to be true. I am just waiting for Jaime to destroy it......." I said.

"She the bully? When you had that nightmare I was afrai that she was a major role in it. And when you told us the nightmare, she seemed to be," he said with worry in his eyes. I honestly hate to see people sad.

"Yea, her words cut into me. When I was younger I let things get to me easily. Hurtful words get to me and the compliments don't sink in." I said.

"I am sorry," he said getting up and hugging me. Then kneeling to look at me in the eyes.

"There is nothing to be sorry about babe. You didn't hurt me," I said.

"Okay," he said.

"People tell me that ans I am just plain sick and tired of it. Don't get me wrong it is nice, but it is too much of a good thing." I added.

"I see do you want to go back home? Trixy is probably getting antsy." He asked, I am assuming he is seeing the pain in my eyes.

"Why not," I said. Just little words hurt, and I let them get to me. The pen is mightier than the sword. Such a true statement, and I hate how I let the words get to me. Between that and low self esteem, that is the main reason of my depressio.

"Lilla you in there?" Jake asked as he waved a hand infront of my face.

"Yea, sorry I phased out." I said.

"It scared me for a little bit there.You just gazed off into space," he said.

"Could we have supper?" I asked.

"Sure, what about pizza?" He said.

"Okay, I thought you don't like pizza," I said confused.

"I don't but I wanted something that would not take a lot of time to make," he said.

"Oh,I see." I said. We pulled out the pizza and put it in the oven. After about 20 minutes the timer beeped. It was golden brown and tasted good. We both sat down and watched tv for awhile. My head was relaxed on his chest and I drifted off to sleep. It felt like awhile then I was carried to bed.

"Mmmm," I said waking up.

"Well hi sleepy," he smiled.

"How long was I asleep?" I asked.

"About and hour, it is 10:30. So I thought I would carry you to bed." He said.

"You didn't you could have woken me up." I said.

"You looked so peaceful baby," he said.

"Okay then," I said. He set me down on the bed. Then I got up, he frowned playfully.

"I have to change into pjs." I said.

"OOOH, can I watch?" He asked like a child wanting a puppy.

"Fine," I said. as I started changing.

"Are you changing then?" I questioned.

"Yea, you watching?" He shot back.

"Maybe," I said. He was changing, then I slid into bed. I had a smile to match his.

"Enjoying it?" He said sliding into bed.

"Yea night babe." I said kissing him.

"Night baby," he said.

Author's note_________________________

I am sorry for the slow updates guys. I have been busy and my mind has been filled with the fight I got in with my "friend". I will try as hard as I can to update alot, and if I don't post a lot this weekend....... I am going on vacation and don't know if I can take my computer along. Thanks lovelies.

XOXOXOXO Victoriafallenangel

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