The Perfect Picture

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Chapter 31 Lillian's P.O.V.

"Lilla, Lilla. Please wake up," Jake said nudging me.

"What is it babe?" I said waking up. I had sat up to see that Jake had made breakfast.

"I made chocolate chip pancakes." He said.

"Aw Jake, you didn't have to." I said

"I figured since you usually make all the meals. I would be nice and make one. Also the fact that I was bored and had woken up first."

"Oh, okay then. Lets enjoy this while we can then." We had started to eat, I was surprised on how well he can cook. I am going to miss that and how much he can be a dork. I think he knows that I like the butter already soaked into the pancake. Then I got up and went downstairs to wash dishes.

"I had already let Trixy out."

"Wow Jake, you went to town."

"Yea, it did not take long at all." So we filled up the sink with hot water, soap, and water. It did not take that long to wash dishes.

"Don't you have to pack?"

"Yea... Do you want to help?"

"Sure." We had started to walk upstairs, but Jake remembered that he had to grab his suitcase that is in the basement. I had went to shut the bathroom door, to make it seem like I was in the bathroom. I hid in his room, underneath the bed. Being an adult can be so boring, so I thought I should hide and try to be somewhat fun. I wanted to scare him, I think he would get a laugh. It is sad that he is leaving so why not pull something funny. I heard Jake's footsteps and saw him stand right by the bed. I slowly reached for his leg and had grabbed hold of it.

"HOLY SHIT." He said.

"Hi Jake," I said letting go of his leg and waving.

"When in the hell?"

"When you went downstairs to grab your bag."

"Oh," he said. I had came out from under the bed. Then he started to pack, I sat on the bed talking too him.

"Do you want me to fold them?"

"Sure." He said setting clothes on the bed next to me.

"So you are coming back the 20th? A day before your birthday?"

"Yea, should I be curious?"

"Nah, aren't you guys going out for your birthday?"

"Yea. Atleast I believe we are."

"Okay, when are you leaving for touring again?"

"I believe two days after Jinxx's birthday."

"Isn't his birthday the 8th of Jan.?"

"It is, I am surprised you remembered."

"Why wouldn't I? You guys are like my brothers. Well except you, you are my amazing boyfriend." We got done packing, it was about 10am. Jake had taken his bag downstairs and I followed. He had set his bag by the front door.

"We are going to leave at about 1:30 pm."

"Okay," I said sitting on the couch, he sat down next to me. We ended up cuddling while watching tv. At around 11:45 we went upstairs to get dressed.

"So we going to go out for lunch? Or do you want to stay here?"

"Go out sounds fine." He said. We walked back downstairs and put Trixy in her kennel. I filled her food and water, then Jake grabbed his bag. Jake walked to the trunk and put his bag in it, then sat in the driver's seat. Then he drove to a little restaurant and we had walked inside. We had gotten seated right away. About 15 minutes later a waitor had came over and took our orders.

"You planning to have fun?" I asked,

"Little bit," he said.

"Don't worry about me too much. You need to have fun."

"I will try, I will also try to skype you when I can."


"I cannot wait to finish this album."

"I think it will be awesome."

"I think it will. When do you have to work?"

"I will go to classes on Monday."

"Today is Wednesday right?"

"Yea, it will be forever. I believe I will be done with classes by the time you get back."

"Oh wow. How long are the classes?"

" Just 12-3."

"Nice, short classes."

"It will be, at least they are short." Then the waiter came back with our food. Once we finished we payed and left. Then we headed off to the airport.

"Don't worry Lilla, it will only be a month."

"I know, but I will miss you guys. "

"All I can say is that this tour is going to be hot."

"Why would that be?"

"The weather around this time of year just bakes all of us."

"Oh, I see." Then we had pulled up to the airport. We saw Andy standing there waiting for us. Jake parked the car and then we walked over to Andy.

"How long have you been standing there?" I asked.

"Not that long, Juliet just went in to go to the bathroom." He said.

"Okay," I replied.

"Did anyone else show up?" Jake asked.

"Not yet that I know of. I told them to all meet here." Andy said. Then C.C. and Lauren came walking up. Juliet had came out of the airport and stood next to Andy.

"Sammi will be here in a little bit," Juliet said.

"Same with Ash," C.C. said.

"Did everyone have lunch?" Andy asked, everyone nodded.

"Anyone pumped?" C.C. asked.

"Aw hell yea!" Ash said walking up.

"Well look who is late to the party," I said.

"Oh bite me," Ash said.

"How about no," I said being snarky.

"Now since we have everyone, are we ready to get checked and everything?" Andy asked.

"Wait where is Sammi and Jinxx?" I said.

"Right there," Lauren said pointing.

"Oh," I said.

"Well lets get these bags rollin." Ash said.

"Lets go!" C.C. said. Then we started to walk into the airport. I looked at Jake and hugged him. I handed my phone and asked Juliet to take a picture. I heard the shutter of my camera when I kissed Jake. I was going to save this, I know it is going to be a month. But I have never had my boyfriend leave before.

"Text me when you land okay?" I said.

"I will, I love you." Jake said.

"Bye guys," I said hugging everyone, the other girls did the same. The girls and I waved, then walked out of the airport. i got into the car and headed home. I turned on Pierce The Veil while driving home.

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