Home Again

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Chapter 33 Lillian's P.O.V.

~One Month Later~

My eyes fluttered open, it was the day I was going to pick up Jake. I just got done with classes, yea I know they were only a month long. I had to go to the airport in about an hour to get him. It has been a long month. I finally got up out of bed and went to let Trixy out. I cannot wait for Jake to see his present. I sat down in one of the lawn chairs, basking in the sun. It was nice outside, and I didn't really want to move. Trixy bounded back over to me, and I think she was sad that Jake has been gone too. I am surprised she has put up with me all this time. I have been a mess in the mornings. I am not a morning person at all.

I went back inside and got a bowl of cereal. I don't eat cereal much, but I do once in a while. Once I was done eating I washed my dishes. After every meal I washed my dishes that I had dirtied and I cleaned up a little bit. I ran upstairs, and plugged my straightener in. I grabbed a BVB tee shirt, black shorts, and my combat boots. I changed out of my pajamas into that. Then my straightener beeped, so I straightened my hair. I applied a little bit of makeup.

I was not big into putting a lot of make up on. I believe when people did, they looked so fake. As if their face had a slight hue of purple in it. Does anyone else think this? I do, and I find it quite disturbing.

I quick ran downstairs, I grabbed my purse and keys. I had made sure that Trixy had food and water, then put her in her kennel. I then headed off to the airport.

Jake's P.O.V.

We had gotten on the plane and I sat down next to Andy again. And I had gotten the window seat in first class. I had put a piece of gum in my mouth to pop my ears. It was nice to get out and get a feeling of touring. But as always I kinda missed home. What Lilla had said made me wonder what she was doing while I was gone. So I talked to Lilla while I was gone. I cannot wait till I am home. I know on my birthday everyone said they were going out. Now we have to go back to work on the album. Hopefully we can get it finished in the time allotted. I believe the release date is Halloween.

I had closed my eyes and broke from my thoughts. Then I had drifted off to sleep.

"Jake, Jake. You need to wake up, we are landing in a little bit," Andy said.

"Oh, okay," I muttered waking up.

"Please fasten your seatbelts we will be landing shortly," the person over the P.A. said.

"Great," I muttered. I hated landing my stomach would always flip when landing.

Then in a short period of time we landed, I unbuckled my seatbelt and stretched. It took us about 15 to get off the plane. My phone rang, it was Lilla. L=Lillian, J=Jake

L: " Hey did you guys land yet?"

J: " Yea, just getting out of the terminal."

L: "Oh, okay. I will be waiting by the front." Then I headed toward the front, and saw Lilla.

"Hey babe," she smiled.

"Hey baby," I said setting down my bags and hugging her. I know this will come off kinda creepy, but I missed how she smelled. Once we broke, I grabbed my bags and she helped me carry my bags. We had put the bags in the trunk we once we got to the car.

"Let me guess.... You want lunch at home?" She asked.

"That would be nice," I said.

"I would not blame you. Being that you have only really had fast food for the past month."

"I am getting a little sick of fast food."

"You tired at all?"

"Ya, like a lot," I said. We had pulled up to the house. I quick put my bags upstairs while Lilla went into the kitchen. Then I had walked back downstairs by her.

"So what do you want for lunch?" She asked.

"How about spaghetti?" I suggested.

"Sure," she replied. I got out a kettle for water and she got down the noodles. I had filled the kettle, then setting it on the stove. Then I quickly remembered that Trixy has in her kennel. She was awfully quiet, she was taking a nap. I had opened her kennel door and she woke up.

"TRIXY!!!" I said as she jumped into my lap, licking my face. Lilla had a smile on her face, then she put the noodles in the boiling water. It was only a matter of a few minutes till the noodles were ready. I got out the plates as she dumped out the water in the noodles. I dished out the noodles and we ate. As I said before it is nice being home.

"Do you have to work tomorrow?" I asked.

"Yea, I believe I leave the same time you leave." She replied.

"Oh wow," I said.

"Yea, my boss called yesterday. He told me he was going to test me," she said.

"That is totally going to be fun."

"Oh, you know it."

"Do you know when you will be done?"

"Nope, do you know where you are going for your birthday?" 

"No, I don't know if I should book the restaurant or what."

"I'll talk to Andy."

"You don't have to do that I will when I see him tomorrow."

"Oh, okay," she said getting up and washing her dish.

"Did you get any sleep lately?" I asked.

"No, you?"

"Not really."


"I just couldn't, I missed you."

"Aww I missed you too." She came over by me, I pulled her close. I pulled her in for a kiss. As our lips met, she bit my bottom lip. Requesting an entrance and I obeyed. I tried not to moan, but I did. As from before, she knew how to hit my sweet spot. Our tongues danced not even for a minute. Then she pulled away.

"That was nice," she said.

"It was," I said as we sat down on the couch. We layed down, she was in my arms. I turned on the tv, and turned a show on to watch. Within about 5 minutes she was asleep. Then I followed her and took a nap.

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