Only If I Would Have Checked Up On Her.

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Chapter 24 Jake's P.O.V.

"Bye babe," she said kissing me, then I left the room. Everyone stayed outside and seemed to be waiting for me.

"Do you guys want to come over to my house?" I asked, everyone nodded in agreement. I went out to Andy's car since I came in the ambulance. All I know is that I am very worried for Lilla.

"Dude, I am just as worried as you are." Andy said. I assumed he knew by the look on my face.

"I should have watched her more, and now it is all my fault." I said as tears were burning my eyes and threatening to spill.

"Jake, you did what anyone would do," Juliet said.

"I know....." I said trailing off. The rest of the car ride was silent, it was kinda like an awkward silence. There is just too much running through my mind right now. Now when she comes back, I will be more careful. But I don't want to be really over protective, everyone needs their breathing space. We entered the house and the strong smell of cookies and lasagna hit my nose. She made a huge batch of cookies and lasagna. The cookies were plain chocolate chip, they are the best kind of cookie in my mind. I grabbed a cookie, savoring every bite. It was sweet and still warm. When I bit into the cookie the chocolate was still gooey.

"Lets have some lunch," I said to everyone. I got out the plates and silverware. I happened to notice that the kitchen was cleaned up a little bit. Lilla. You do too much, this is really sweet of you. I don't think it will be the same without her here. Everyone grabbed a plate and silverware while they were getting food.

"Wow this is good, Lilla made this right?" Ash asked.

"Yea, that girl impresses me." I said.

"She really seems too," Juliet said. Once everyone was eating, they grabbed a cookie after a while. I could honestly say a million times and a million more that I am really worried. I could believe Andy is too, I would not blame him. He must be feeling a lot of remorse.

"All I have to say is that I am worried," Lauren said.

"Yea, we just got to know her and this happens," Sammi said.

"I think everyone is. Sammi could we here your side of the story?" Juliet asked. I was kinda curious as to what Sammi had to say.

"So I came over just after Jake had called. I automatically asked her 'how she was doing. She said she was a little warm, I didn't think much of it. She is so ambitious, she had already made lasagna by the time I got there. We made cookies and we got all of the cookies out of the oven. She was walking into the living room.Then she just collapsed, I had a break down because I didn't know what was going on," Sammi said.

"Oh jeez," Lauren said.

"Yea, I freaked when you called me crying."I said. I saw Trixy standing by the backdoor waiting for me. Everyone kinda broke off into different conversations. So I got up to let Trixy outside and Juliet followed.

"She is going to be okay," Juliet said trying to reassure me.

"I know, but I am just worried," I said.

"To make you feel better Andy is worried too."

"Seems like it."

"Whats going on I heard my name?" Andy asked as he walked out onto the back patio.

"Oh I see," he said sitting on one of the patio chairs. Juliet and I sat down too. It was getting dark, my back patio lights automatically turned on.

"I wish I would have called her more all these years. So I would know what is going on." He said.

"Andy don't think this is all your fault." I said.

"But it feels like it," he said.

"I know, I think it is that bitch Jaime who started it all," I said.

"What did she all do?" Juliet asked with a death glare.

"I think it was her calling Lilla names. And Lilla let it sink in, it is more like a natural reaction for her to do that. She cannot help it," I said.

"Oh wow, poor girl." Juliet said.

"I really just want to hit her upside the fucking head," Andy said.

"Agreed, I don't get why anyone would bully Lilla. She is just a sweetheart," I said.

"Maybe Jaime is being bullied or has low self esteem." She said.

"That could be the case," I said.

"Yea, I cannot believe I didn't ask her about that," he said.

"Andy, when she comes back you can ask her," Juliet said.

"I will. I want to ask her about a lot."Andy said.

"Give her a little distance, you seem to be on her case a lot. I know you love and care about her, but give her space." She said.

"We should go back inside, everyone is probably wondering about what is going on," I said.

"Yea," he said getting up.

"Here Trixy, " I said as I opened the door and she ran inside. Andy, Juliet, and I all walked inside and everyone looked at us curiously.

"We were talking about Lilla." I said, everyone nodded as if they got what they wanted.

"So who is going to visit her first?" I asked.

"I will for like 2 hours," Andy said.

"Then I will," Ash said.

"Sure, it is in 2 hour shifts right?" C.C. asked.

"Yea, then I will." Jinxx said.

"I will text you when Lilla wakes up," I said to Andy.

"Okay so I am assuming you will be going last then?" Andy asked.

"Yea," I said.

"We should get going if we are going to be up early." Juliet said.

"Juliet. She is not an early riser," Andy said.

"Oh, but we should still get going it is getting late." She said.

"Okay," Andy said replied heading toward the door.

"Bye guys," I said. Everyone else kinda agreed with those two and left also.

"Bye," they all said. I watched them pull out of the driveway. I checked Trixy's food dish, and filled it. I went over to the couch and sat down. This night was going to be different. I knew I was not going to get much for sleep. I turned on the tv and watched a couple shows. Although there was nothing really on late at night. But then I turned off the tv and went into my bedroom. I had gotten changed and then slid into my bed.

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