I Miss You

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Chapter 32 Jake's P.O.V.

So we went through security and everything. We had all gotten seated in first class. It was going to be a good half hour till our flight takes off. I was sitting next to Andy and I was just staring out the window. I normally didn't just stare out the window blankly, but I was worried. For the past month or so Lilla was like attached to my hip. So to speak. I wonder how she is doing right now.

"Jake are you okay?" Andy said calling to my attention.

"Worried about Lilla," I said.

"I am too and also worried about Juliet."

"Seems typical Lilla is your little sister too."

"I have always worried about Lilla. Especially when I have not talked to her in a while. It scares me knowing what happened now."

"Your not the only one, I was scared too."

"Everyone was shocked just saying," Jinxx chimned in with a serious tone.

"Please fasten your seat belts," it rang over the P.A. I put a piece of gum in my mouth. This is going to be a long flight, we were flying to London. We are going for the Download Festival then coming back to the U.S. for Warped Tour. I had closed my eyes and was going to sleep.

Lillian's P.O.V.

It was not a very quiet ride home. Reason being I had music blaring through the speakers. When I got home I let Trixy out. On the other hand this house is going to be so quiet, it is weird. I don't really like the silence, but at least I can call someone and talk to them. This is going to be hard, not having him by my side. I know people probably think I am over reacting about him leaving.

Trixy came trotting over to me.I went back inside to grab a frisbee so I could play with Trixy. I went back outside and played fetch with her. The frisbee was covered in dog slobber; I don't really like dog slobber. But I am in love with animals.

"Thanks Trixy," I said petting her and then we walked back inside. I went back into Jake's room and grabbed my laptop. I went back in the livingroom; sitting down on the couch. I pulled up Facebook and Twitter. I had seen a friend request from Sarah Sharper, the girl that was in the hospital. I had accepted the friend request and she had sent me a message. S= Sarah, L=Lillian

S: Hi

L: Hey, whats up?

S: Nothing much, you?

L: Dropped Jake off at the airport earlier.

S: Touring again?

L: Yea, Warped Tour.

S: Oh cool, I am going.

L: I'll let him know that you are going.

S: Thank you.

L: So how have you been since I have left?

S:Okay, I guess. They had locked me up for a few days. I am on medication now.

L: Is it working?

S: Yea, it has its ups and downs.

L: Things will, life won't be perfect.

S: Tell me about it, I clicked my heels and it won't get any better. XD

L: Haha, yea. Those things never work, but all you have to do is keep your head up. Your tiara is falling.

S: Those things will never stay up.

L: Why?

S: Damn people keep hitting it off.

L: Is it why people are always glued to the ceiling? XD

S: Yuppers, I have a little rage. : D

L: Don't worry I do too. ;D

S: Doesn't everyone?

L:Yea, whether they want to show it or not is he difference.

S: If they bottle it up doesn't it become more violent?

L: Yea usually.

S: I am sorry but I have to go. See you later :)

L: Bye Sarah, see you later. Keep your head up. :) <3

I stayed online for a little bit longer, then I shut the computer down. I kinda wanted to go out shopping and go get something to eat. I think I was going to get Jake's presents, before I forgot. This is going to be interesting to try to hide the presents from Trixy. Knowing Trixy she will rip open the wrapping paper and ruin Jake's gift. So I put my laptop away and grabbed the keys. I also put my shoes on and grabbed my purse. I let Trixy not be in her kennel since it will not be that long.

I headed out the door and to the guitar shop. I had talked to a person working at the shop to find out what I should get Jake. I figured that I would get him more picks, neck strap, case and stand. So I put them all in the trunk of the car. I had stopped at a dollar store also to get wrapping paper, tape, and a bow. I had also put those in the trunk.

I drove to a restaurant,and walked in. I was going to meet Juliet inside. Before I had gotten in the car to go home from the airport I had talked to Juliet about meeting up with her for dinner.

"Miss are you meeting anyone?" The hostess asked.

"Yes, Miss Juliet Simms," I replied.

"You must be Miss Biersack?" She asked.

"Yea that would be me," I responded.

"Right this way," the hostess said. I had followed her to where Juliet is. I had sat down, across from her.

"Hey," she said.

"Hey, how is it going?" I asked.

"Going okay, you?"


"Let me guess you miss Jake?"

"Ya, don't you miss Andy?"

"I do, but tomorrow it will be worse. It kinda sinks in more tomorrow."

Then the waitor came over, and we placed our orders.

"Otherwise how have YOU been?" She said putting the empthasis (sp?) on you.

"Fine, I guess. Nothing really effecting or triggering me." I said in a hushed tone.

"Well that is good call me if you need to. Do you have my number?" She stated.

"Okay and noI do not have your number," I said handing my phone to her. She had put her number in my phone, then handed it back to me. We kept talking until our food arrived. And of course we ate, then split the bill.

"Bye Lilla, see you again." She smiled.

"Bye Juliet see you later," I said hugging her.

When I had gotten home I brought Jake's present into the house. I let Trixy outside, following her out and then sitting in a lawn chair. I felt the crisp air of the night brush across my face. Then Trixy had bounded back by me within a few minutes. I had opened the door and she raced inside.

I grabbed Jake's presents, wrapping paper, tape, and a bow. I headed for his room, and set the presents on the bed. I started to wrap the case. It was interesting wrapping the other presents Once I was done wrapping I put the presents on a shelf in the closet. I quick jumped in the shower, after that I had changed into pajamas. Then I slid into bed and went to bed.

~ Author's note~

To kinda let you guys know I will be skipping around a lot, like time wise. I am sorry, I could not really come up with some filler chapters while Jake was gone. I am also sorry about the late update. I have been kinda busy lately, but school will be ending in the next week for me. So I once school gets out I will post a lot more. Thank you my lovelies~ stay strong


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