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It was the winter break before the last semester of high school.

Y/n was riding their bike all over town. While, Danielle sat at home watching TV with her dad. Her mother and sister were cooking up something nice.

It was the usual routine for the pair.

One wondered around, while the other knew just where she belonged.

- Danielle POV -

Dinner was as lovely as ever.

Being home was always one of my favorite things. It was a safe space, my fun house, the one place I could just be myself.

"Dani, honey, can you take the trash out?" Mom requested from the kitchen.

Dad and I had gone back to watching TV, while my mom and sister cleaned up a bit.

"Yes!" I answered as I got up from the sofa.

I was about to skip my way into the kitchen, but dad poked me before I could.

"Hey!!!" I frowned as I poked him back.

"Dani!" Mom yelled again.

I narrowed my eyes at dad and pointed at him to warn him.... "Watch it, sir!"

Dad just laughed and I finally making way to kitchen.

I gather all the garbage I could before taking out to the trash container.

I was just about finished with my task, when I suddenly heard someone say.... "God dammit!!"

I looked around a bit confused and started to hear more cursing coming from the street.

"Stupid shit, why you always gotta break at the worst time!" I kept on hearing someone complain.

I wrapped myself with my cardigan a bit more, it was getting chilly, and walked down my driveway to see what was going on.

"Stupid shit!" I saw someone kick what appeared to be a bike.

There was someone on the sidewalk in front of my house, just kicking a bike around.


The person kept on kicking their bike and cursing.

It was a bit amusing.

I stepped a bit closer once the person seemed to calm down and asked, "What are you doing?"

The person seemed a bit startled, but immediately turned to look at me.

"Umm, sorry. My bike chain broke and I was sorta having a mental breakdown 'cus of it. I'll move along somewhere else," The person politely answered me.

They then turned around, grabbed their bike, and walked away.

I raised an eyebrow a bit confused. I didn't recall telling the person they had to move.

"Dani!!" Dad suddenly yelled from the house.

I turned to see him waiting for me at the door and sighed out once I turned back to realize the person was gone.

- Y/N POV -

I sighed out in annoyance as I erased my answers yet again.

"Stupid shit," I whispered under my breath.

It was a bit early in the morning and I was at my favorite crepe place. I mostly only liked it because they had free WiFi and useable outlets in their outdoor tables.

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