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An unexpected resident was at Danielle's dorm.

"Oh, look who it is?!" Minji was excited to see Y/n again

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"Oh, look who it is?!" Minji was excited to see Y/n again.

Minji had been hearing about Y/n a lot from Danielle... Danielle had kind of kept away the fact that Minji decided to attend university outside of Korea....

"Wow, if it isn't Miss Korea!" Y/n teased.

"If it isn't the tourist!" Minji responded in a flirty tone.

- Mr. Marsh POV -

"Thanks for the water, Mr. Marsh!" Jay exclaimed as I we boarded the boat.

I felt a little down that my little Sunshine went off to school so quickly. It almost seemed like she had just come home to spend time with Y/n.

"Water is important. It's a basic need in life!" I answered Jay as I got settled.

"Truly, thanks for all the water you brought for the crew. Lord knows how much it helps!" Jay's dad patted my back in a sense of gratitude.

Of course, I knew how valuable water was.

"You sound like Y/n!" Jake said as he steered the boat away from the dock.

"How so?" I asked a bit confused.

I was just to enjoy my day and try to distract myself from the fact my daughter was pulling away from me... but then Jake had to pull that card...

"Well, Y/n is always buying water for us and giving it to anyone who asks for it. Even thirsty drivers," My friend responded

I laughed at his dumb response.

"That sounds wasteful!" I found it ridiculous.

"I thinks it's nice," Jay suddenly spoke up.

"Y/n has a heart I had never seen before. It seems wasteful in certain areas but not in humanity or kindness... I think it's great... I would like for someone to hand me a water bottle when I was most in need," Jay looked a bit unwell.

"Don't mind him. He's just drunk!" Jake explained.

"No more for you!" I took Jay's beer away.

- Danielle POV -

I didn't like the way Y/n and Minji were speaking to each other. I had purposefully refrained from telling Y/n who my roommates were....

"Who? You? Cus I certainly I don't need any Korean translations!" Y/n smugly wrapped their arm around my shoulder.

"Neither do I!" Minji bit her lip.

"Ookkaayyyy!" I let Haerin go.

"Unnie, join us! We're making snack!" Haerin was excited that I was back in the dorm.

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