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Just because Y/n and Danielle promised to consider each other as a life partner after Danielle graduated didn't mean that they had committed to each other.

If anything, it meant the opposite.

The anxiety of being alright when Danielle was done with school was starting to get to Y/n.

So, they called up a friend.

- Olivia POV -

"Drinking before I got here? Wow," I teased Y/n as I sat at the bar.

"I've actually only taken one sip," Y/n informed me.

"Right," I didn't believe them.

Y/n was starting up a habit I didn't know what to do with. In one hand, I didn't want them to turn into a drunk but on the other hand...

I acknowledge that Y/n was trying to cope with being completely alone.

It was one thing for Y/n to feel alone and like a burden at our home, but now that they had moved out... it was a completely different story...

"Didn't want to hang out with Dani?" I asked, while the bartender served me my usual.

"She's out with friends. Plus, I don't feel well enough to see her right now," Y/n confessed.

"Why not?" I was a little concerned.

"I don't know. I'm starting to second guess myself. What if we do end up together and I can't fulfill my end of the bargain?" Y/n rubbed the palm of their hand on their forehead.

"I don't think Danielle expects anything of you," I took a sip of my drink.

"I just feel like such a loser!" Y/n sounded frustrated.

"Sometimes I wonder why people get so upset or look down on people who are happy with the basics. We're just happy with having a roof over our heads, food, and a stable job.... but then I start to wonder that maybe there is something wrong with me... that maybe I'm a waste of space because I have no purpose in life," Y/n started sharing what seemed like sober thought.

I swallowed half my drink at the heavy topic.

I did my best to think of a good response as quickly as I could but Y/n continued... "I don't know. Maybe I find it pointless to find a grand meaning in my life when not many people appreciate the little things."

I let out a deep breath.

For a second I felt attacked, but then I started to think about how Y/n wasn't like most complaining people who had work a 9-5. Y/n didn't really seek for more... even when those opportunities were right in front of them...

In the last year or so, I always thought it was Y/n thinking they weren't good enough... and while it might have been that at the time... I didn't get that feeling anymore.

Y/n genuinely saw their simple life as a blessing.

Although I couldn't lie that I pitied that mindset quite often, I sometimes envied it.

"Did someone say something to you?" I feared my sister may have been behind Y/n's feelings.

"No. I went to the yard to get my bonus and I saw Jake there," Y/n explained.

"Ahh," I thought to myself.

Daddy had a bad habit of comparing Y/n to other people in our circle. He always did it in a fatherly way, but I think he didn't realize that Y/n wasn't really his kid.

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