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"AHHHHHH!!!!!" Danielle screamed the second she saw Y/n's car pull up to The university. She grabbed her keys and ran down to met Y/n in the parking lot.

"YOU'RE HERE!!" She kept excitedly squealing.

Y/n got out the car, a bit nervous, with a bouquet of flowers in their hands.

Y/n had taken Mrs. Mo advice to heart.

- Danielle POV -

My heart fluttered like crazy the second I saw Y/n get out of the car. They had flower in their hands with a loving smile I had rarely seen.

"H-hi!" Y/n seemed a little nervous.

"Ahhh~!" I quickly ran up to hug Y/n....

I was surprised that Y/n picked me up off my feet and spun me around.

"Hi, Gorgeous!" Y/n put me down and greeted me with a kiss.

I was a bit thrown off. It was a bit odd to hear Y/n call me any term of endearment. Y/n wasn't much for compliments either... so, it was a bit odd.

"What are you saying? Why are you being so nice?!" I cooed at Y/n.

Y/n just awkwardly shrugged, but didn't respond.

"Ahhh~ you're such a cutie! Stop it!" I started to tease Y/n.

"Umm, are you hungry? I was thinking on taking you on a date or like whatever you need.... I mean I'm here all weekend. I'm just trying to.... umm... yeah," Y/n didn't seem to know how to even act at this point.

It was weird to be honest.

All of Y/n's behavior was new to me.

Hearing Y/n over the phone and the way they were texing me all week.... and just.... every single action they were displaying was so different...

It was oddly cute though.

"Umm, did you just say date?!" I kept on teasing.

"Yeah, like a dinner date or something. Maybe the movies if you'd rather do that?" Y/n seemed super flustered and started to blush.

"Hoowww cutee!!" I squealed in excitement.

It was making my heart race that Y/n was finally showing signs that they actually really liked me.

- Y/N POV -

I was starting to get really nervous about being around Danielle again. Aside from being super excited to see her, I realized that I don't know how to date anymore.

On top of that, Danielle was so sweet and kind. It was the opposite of what I was used to in my life. It was starting to make me question if I could love her back in the same way.

"Yeah, I'm a bit hungry. We could go eat at one of the restaurants nearby!" Danielle cutely suggested.

I nervously nodded and handed over the bouquet of flowers I had bought her on the way.

Mrs. Mo had basically given me permission to love Danielle. So, I made sure to take her advice.  I knew that Danielle's parents would appreciate it if I treated their daughter like a princess.... so, I was going to do my best.... even if they ended up hating me in the end.

At least I got to treat Danielle the way she deserved to be treated.

"Umm, can I drive?" Dani requested, as we tried to get in the truck.

"Yeah, of course!" I shyly answered.

We ended up going to a restaurant near The University and caught up on what had been going on in our life's.

It was kind of cute, but...

After that, I started to feel a little uneasy about everything.

I started to think about Mr. Marsh.

I kept on thinking about how free and happy Danielle felt about our situation. I kept on thinking about how she was holding my hand and kissing my cheek. Danielle was so happy, but all I could think about was how Mr. Marsh would feel if he saw us behaving like this in front of him.

"Hey, are you okay?" Dani suddenly pulled me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah," I answered a bit dazed.

"You coming in?" She asked.

I hadn't realized that I was stalling entering the dorm, but deep down I knew that it was because I was getting nervous of being in private with Danielle.

I already knew that all my uneasy feelings would fade the second we stepped into her room. And if they didn't, Dani would do everything to try get me ease my mind.

- Danielle POV

Y/n was all cute and shy throughout our date, but the second we got back to my dorm... they got all serious again....

"Come on," I gently grabbed Y/n's hand and dragged them over to my room.

"You okay?" I asked again.

It looked like Y/n was starting to overthink again.

"Mhm," Y/n hummed out... looking around my room and fixing themselves on a picture of me and my dad...

I took a deep breath, realizing what was going on, and walked over to take down the picture of my dad.

I looked at how happy Daddy and I were in that picture and realized that wasn't ever going to change. Dad and I would never not be happy with each other and I knew Y/n still didn't understand that.

"I wish you understood," I sighed out, having the picture in my hand to Y/n.

"Dad wouldn't have let you sleep over the other night if he didn't trust you. He wouldn't have allowed for us to sleep on the same bed or spend so much time alone together," I tried to get Y/n to understand.

"He knows about us to an extent and even though he wishes it wouldn't happen, he knows he can't get between us. I know that it scares you possibly disrespect him and lose his support, but if you don't give it a shot... you won't ever know how good of a father-in-law he could be," I tried not to get all in my feelings.

It always made me feel bad to go against Y/n's feelings, they obviously felt like that for a reason, but I couldn't allow Y/n to keep on depriving themselves of any good things in fear that they'd be taken from them.

"Father-in-law?" Y/n suddenly chuckled out.

My whole being started to sigh of relief when I finally saw Y/n's demeanor turn soft again.

"We just had our first date, isn't that a little much?" Y/n started to tease, stepping up the grip my waist.

"Aside from that, shouldn't you ask me to marry you first?" Y/n smirked at me.

I playfully rolled my eyes and placed my arms around Y/n's neck. "I was hoping you'd do that asking," I smugly responded.







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