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Y/n had just gotten home from work. It was around the same time as all the other days in that week.

Because of Y/n's new work schedule, Mrs. Mo had learned to start making dinner at a certain time. She wanted Y/n to have a warm meal when they got home. Y/n was the new baby of the family and the only child who was still at home. Mrs. Mo needed Y/n as much as Y/n needed a good mother figure.

So...., when Mrs. Mo saw Y/n smiling like an idiot at their phone when they got home... she knew something was up.

- Y/N POV -

Dani had quickly realized that I had hung up on her and started to text me.


Hang up on me again
And Jerry is going to take your place.

Y/N ♡

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Tell Jerry to get his hands off my girl
or I'm gonna beat his ass.


Jerry was here first,
So good luck with that! xD


Jerry might have been the first,
But I'm going to be the last.

"Hey, what's got you smiling like that?" Something suddenly caught me off guard.

It was Mrs. Mo.

I hadn't even realized I had already made my way inside the house.

"Uuh, nothing. Just someone!" I nervously responded, putting my phone away.

"Someone?" Mrs. Mo smugly asked.

"Someone special?" She started to tease.

As much as I wanted to say, "yes", I just opted into saying... "it's just someone."

Mrs. Mo looked at me at bit mischievously for a bit, before letting it go.

"Okay, but just know you can tell me anything. I'm over here teasing you and I don't even know if you've even dated before," Mrs. Mo started to serve me a plate of food.

"I mean it's not hard to imagine Casanova here hasn't dated anyone," Mr. Marsh suddenly came out of nowhere.

I cleared my throat a bit nervous.

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