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It had been a month since the breakup, summer break had come around, and Danielle was making her way back home.

As Danielle drove past all her favorite places, she felt her heart began to break. It was hard to go back home knowing that Y/n would no longer be there.

- Danielle POV -

On my way home, I decided to pass by Y/n's work. I was hoping to at least get a glimpse of Y/n to make sure they were okay, but luck wasn't on my side.

I stopped to pick up some coffee at the nearby coffee stand and was surprised when I noticed a familiar object in the distance.

It was Y/n's bike.

I paused for a bit before deciding to walk over to it but was startled when I noticed Y/n walk up to it and cycle away.

"What the hell was that?!" I internally scolded myself.

"I should've walked fast or called out to them," I thought to myself.

It looked like I had missed my chance so I got back in my car and continued on my way.

Only, I was lucky enough to almost run Y/n over a few blocks away from the house. My intrusive thoughts got the best of me and I followed Y/n from a distance.

We ended up at the city park close to our old high school.

It looked like Y/n was just mindlessly riding around the park and I watched from a distance. Suddenly, Y/n stopped. It looked like there was something wrong with their bike.

It was actually kind of cute to see Y/n on their bike again. Y/n hadn't used it since they got their car.

"Dammit!" I could hear Y/n whine from a distance.

I got out of the car to see if I could be of any assistance, but Y/n looked prepared. They got off their bike and pulled some tools from their backpack. It looked like the problem was their bike chain.

I watched for a little longer until I saw Y/n start to look around the park.

I panicked again and decided to just go home.

- Y/N POV -

For a second, it felt like I was being watched.

And I was right.

As I tried to find some shade I could fix my bike chain in, I caught sight of something familiar. It was an old hoodie of mine. I had a feeling I knew who wearing it. It wasn't a typical hoodie...

But I chose not to get a better look at the person...

That's until, Danielle turned around to get in her car. She had her beautiful wavy hair down. She had my hoodie on, and she was wearing a pair of boots I had been looking for.

"Guess I shouldn't have told Oli I didn't need my things," I thought to myself as a smile crept up on my face.

For a second, I forgot I was staring at Danielle and our eyes met. My smile dropped and I quickly pretended like I hadn't seen her.

It was hard to not think of Danielle or want to call her, but it was for the best. The heartbreak would soon ease.


I suddenly felt a water drop land on my cheek.

I looked up to find the sky a darker shade of gray than before and hurried on to try to fix my bike. In a matter of minutes, it was pouring rain.

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