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The couple got back to the dorm to find Olivia in the living room hanging out with all the girls. Danielle figured she would just go back home since she knocked her sense into her about the situation...

But Olivia wasn't too sure about leaving Danielle to handle the whole Haerin situation all by herself...

- Olivia POV -

I was right to not leave. Danielle was back to babying Haerin. Even after the fact that Haerin kissed her, Dani couldn't help herself around helpless people.

"So, you thinking about visiting Korea again?" Minji had taken it upon herself to entertain Y/n.

At first, I didn't mind Minji being nice while Danielle acted like a coddling idiot... but as time went by...

I realized Minji might still have some feelings towards Y/n.

"Alright, Me and Y/n are going to go back home. See you all later," I exhaled as I got up to pull Y/n up from the sofa.

"Wait, what?!" Danielle finally decided to pay attention to the person she claimed to love the most.

"Y/n's some errands to run for mom. That's why I came to get them," I tried to not be so passive aggressive with Dani.

I had come to make sure Y/n didn't misunderstand, but after seeing that Danielle was part of the problem...

It was time to just take Y/n home.

"Okay, let me just get my bags," Y/n didn't even question what I was saying.

"What errands?" Danielle looked at me funny.

She knew what I meant and she was acting stupid in front of her friends.

"You know," I gave her a forced smile.

"Alright! Ready," Y/n looked so happy to be leaving.

"Come on," I didn't even let Y/n say goodbye to Danny.

- Y/N POV -

Olivia ended up having to drive my truck back home. I was sobered up by now, but we didn't want to take the risk.

The drive was awkward and quiet. Music was playing the whole entire time, but it didn't take away any of the odd tension.

I ended up falling asleep to avoid the awkward conversation of why Olivia really pulled me out of Danielle's dorm. She seemed as tired of Danielle's behavior as I was.

"Hey!" I suddenly felt someone shake me.

"Y/n, wake up!" My eyes started to flutter open.

I jolted up from my seat a bit startled and immediately fell out of the truck.

"Jeez, why are you such a loser?" The blurry image of Olivia hovering over me started to become more focused.

"Come on. Get up," she started to help me up.

I dusted myself off on my way up and was surprised when I noticed where we were. We were in the middle of fucking nowhere.

"Yo, Livy!" I heard someone yell from a distance.

"Coming!" Oli yelled back.

I looked around a bit confused on where we were. We weren't anywhere near home. We were standing in a muddy field with an old cabin in the distance.

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