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While the whole Mo-Marsh Family got ready for dinner, Y/n got ready to leave for work.

Y/n didn't really have to go to work. It wasn't a day they were scheduled to work, but a coworker had asked earlier if Y/n cover their shift. Y/n had declined at first to spend some time with Danielle...

But when Y/n saw Jake...

Y/n felt a little bad and texted back their coworker that they'd cover for them.

When Y/n saw Jake, Y/n expected Danielle to want to spend time with him instead or that she'd want to catch up with him.

Y/n was one to force themselves to be okay with anything as long as it made the other person happy.

- Danielle POV -

It took a bit of convincing, but Y/n finally let me take them to work.

"Eat your food before it gets cold," I told Y/n as I drove.

"I'm not hungry," Y/n mumbled.

I took a deep breath and let it go. I figured Y/n had gotten tired throughout the day. At this point, I couldn't really figure out why Y/n was acting so odd.

"Alright, we're here!" I exhaled as I pulled up to the yard lot.

"Thanks," Y/n quickly got out of the truck.

I quickly followed after to give Y/n a kiss, but Y/n just brushed me.

"DANI!!" I suddenly heard someone yell from a distance.

I looked around the yard to find Jay and Jake sitting on one of the work trucks.

"Oh, Hi!!!" I yelled back kind of excited.

It was nice to see old friends. College was so stressful that I would almost forget that I had a life outside of it.

Well, I had Y/n but I also needed a life outside of my relationship.

"Hey, Cutiee!!!" Jay whistled.

I gulped, hoping Y/n didn't hear that.

"C'mon hang out! We have beer!" Jake signaled me over.

"I'm good!!" I yelled back as I shook my head.

The last thing I needed was to get drunk at Y/n's work and then have Y/n drive us both back home while they were tired.

"Oh, C'mon! What? Does Y/n not let you hang out with friends or what?" Jake asked a bit condescending.

I was about to walk over to just talk to the guys so they'd stop yelling throughout the yard, but then I suddenly noticed Y/n glaring at them from the other side of the yard.

"Is Y/n actually jealous?" I thought to myself.

I had never actually seen Y/n jealous.

"Yo, Kid! You don't let your girlfriend have friends or what?!" Jake yelled over at Y/n.

"Alright, dude. I think you've had too much," Jay seemed to try to calm Jake down.

I was a bit conflicted on what I should do. If I should go talk to them or not, when Y/n suddenly walked over to me.

"It's cool if you wanna hang out with them. I just need the truck keys," Y/n gave me a half smile.

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