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In no time, The Marsh Family and Y/n were back home. It was a bittersweet arrival. In one hand, everyone was happy to be home...

But in the other, it was Danielle's last weekend before having to go to college.

- Y/N POV -

The house was a bit gloomy as everyone helped Danielle pack her things for college.

"You're not gonna help?" Oli asked.

I gave her a sad smile and shook my head in response. "I gotta go to work," I exhaled.

I was pretty bummed out that Dani was living.

I wouldn't get to see her cute smile anymore. I wouldn't get to hold her hand when I was anxious. I wouldn't have anyone to fight with anymore. But most importantly, I wouldn't feel as loved anymore.

"Have a nice day at work, Honey!" Mrs. Mo yelled as I walked out the house.

- Danielle POV -

The weekend had gone by fast and I was a little sad that Y/n had spent all of it working.

Olivia had flown back to college during the weekend too, so I spent it all alone.

I hadn't really realized how much Y/n had changed our lives, until we all started feeling a little lonely without them in the house.

Y/n started working full-time with Daddy's friend so it was a bit impossible to get some family time with them.

"It's okay, Y/n will come visit you when they have the time," Mom tried to comfort me as we drove down to the university.

It was move in day, so we woke up early to get me there in time.

I was a little excited, but it was hard to be full of energy when I didn't even get to say goodbye to Y/n.

"Yeah, plus Y/n has the truck now. So they'll come and visit whenever they want," Daddy tried to ease my broken heart.

Daddy had actually been really sweet towards my feelings with Y/n lately. We ended up having a really serious conversation about Y/n and we decided that it was best the way things were.

Dating Y/n was something Daddy wasn't comfortable with. No matter how much he thought we'd look good together.

After a few hours, we finally made it to the university. We had just parked... when someone suddenly started hooking at us.

"Huh?" I mumbled under my breath.

Daddy angrily got out the car and I followed.

"AAAHHHHH!!!!" I squealed when I realized it was Y/n.

"I finally caught up to you. Why do you drive so fast?!?" Y/n yelled out the window.

"What are you doing here?!" Dad looked really happy.

"I told my boss it was Dani's move in day and he gave me the next two days off!" Y/n chuckled out.

"Nice!" Daddy banged the side of the truck in excitement.

It was clear that I wasn't the only one who missed Y/n.

"I brought a dolly to help get Dani's mini fridge in her room. I'll just go park around the back," Y/n told my Dad.

"Alright, sounds like a plan!" Daddy couldn't stop smiling.

Y/n was about to drive off, when I suddenly ran up into the truck.

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