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Mr. Marsh dropped Danielle off back home after a long conversation with the police.

It was a quiet ride back home. Danielle could tell that her dad was very upset. She didn't know if he was upset at Y/n or the situation or both, but she just hoped that her dad didn't get in any trouble.

Danielle wanted to ask questions about what happened, but she knew some things were just for the adults to know.

When Danielle got home, she felt heartbroken that Y/n wasn't home yet.

She waited, and waited, and waited....

But hours had passed and Y/n hadn't come home still.

- Danielle POV -

The sun had come down and Y/n still wasn't home.

I had been trying to keep hope that Y/n was going to return to our home not theirs, but it became harder and harder to believe that the more time passed by.

That until...,


"GO TO YOUR ROOM AND DON'T YOU DARE DO SOMETHING STUPID LIKE THAT AGAIN!!!" I heard Dad screaming from the first floor.

Loud stomping up the stairs followed and then a door slammed in the room at the end of the hall.

"Y/n?" I thought to myself.

I was too scared to see what was going on, so I waited a bit for everything to calm down.

- Y/N POV -

Mr. Marsh had pissed me the fuck off.

Besides inserting himself in a situation that had nothing to do with him, he wanted to act like my parent and boss me around.

Up until now, Mr. Marsh had been really understanding about my situation... but then he overstepped boundaries...

I had share with him a bit of how I ended up in the streets and he had been really supportive and understanding of it, but today he just had to do the most.

"Y/n's been staying with us. We found them on the street in the rain with nowhere to go. It's clear to me that this is more than a 'runaway' situation," Mr. Marsh told the police officer.

My mom had brought a cop to the school in order to request that I dropped the charges on my stepdad.

She kept on insisting that I was lying about everything and that she didn't kick me out.

She kept on trying to paint me like the bad guy....

Like always.

"Y/n is this true? Have you been staying at Mr. Marsh's house?" The principal suddenly asked me. 

"Yeah," I lowly responded.

After a few more questions, I was asked to go home.

I wasn't really sure what any of the adults meant by "Home".

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