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Y/n froze once they heard what Danielle said.

"Umm, what?" Y/n asked a bit confused.

"I'm just saying you can't stare at my friends," Danielle tried to play it off as if she didn't say anything weird.

Y/n furrowed their brows a bit and decided to just let it go, going back to tickling Danielle in the process.

- Y/N POV -

I could've swore Danielle had just called me hers, but she said she didn't. So, I went back to messing with her.

"Y/n, stoppp!!" Dani kept on laughing and yelling.

When I was in a really good mood, I liked to mess with Danielle. It was funny to see her reactions.

"Give me Minji's number and I'll stop!" I kept on tickling her.

"Nooo!!" Dani screeched.

She kept on kicking me to try to get me off her, but she wasn't very successful. That's until I lost my grip and my face landed right on top of hers.

"Ooww," I groaned in pain.

"Ooww, are you okay?" Dani groaned out too.

"Yeah," I mumbled as I started to get off her.

Danielle suddenly grabbed my face and cupped my cheeks in her hands. "Did you get hurt?" She asked a bit worried.

"I'm fine. My lip just hit my teeth," I groaned a bit more.

"Your lip?" Dani softly asked.

My heart suddenly started to race when I noticed her staring at my lips.

"The bottom one or the top one?" She sweetly asked, running her thumb along my bottom lip.

"Top one," I nervously mumbled.

Suddenly, Danielle pulled my face closer to hers and she pressed her lips against mine.

I was a bit confused, but I just let her.

- Danielle POV -

I wasn't sure what I was doing, but Y/n's lips felt so soft.

It felt really nice to have Y/n's lips against mine. It almost felt like I had wanted Y/n's lips on mine this whole time.

My lips were doing all the work for the first few seconds and I could've swore Y/n was starting to kiss back. When we suddenly heard.....


.... My mom yelling from down the hall.

Y/n quickly got off me and I immediately sat up on my bed.

"Kids, clean up the living room and take out the trash. You can hangout together after doing your chores," Mom told us.

"I got the trash!" Y/n quickly got up from my bed.

After that day, Y/n started completely avoiding me. 

- Y/N POV -

After the day of the kiss, I started to avoid Danielle. I didn't want whatever that was to become something that would make everyone uncomfortable.

Yes, maybe my feelings for Danielle became a little stronger after that kiss... but I had to be respectful of Mr. Marsh and his family.

"Y/n, traffic is going to start soon. So, you should head to airport soon!" Mrs. Mo yelled from the kitchen.

"Okay!" I yelled back from the living room.

Suddenly, I heard footsteps running down the stairs and I quickly got up to grab my keys.

"Can I come?" Dani asked.

"Nope!" I quickly answered and ran out the front door.

It had been an entire month since the kiss, but I couldn't stop thinking about.

I couldn't stop thinking about how Dani called me hers, and how she was acting jealous that whole day, and then the kiss.

"Ughh!!" I groaned out, as I pulled up to the airport.

I waited for Mr. Marsh to come out of his terminal and it didn't take long before we were on our way back home.

"How was your trip?" I politely asked.

"Ohh, same old thing!" Mr. Marsh chuckled out.

"How's everything at the house? Anything interesting happen?" He excitedly asked.

The image of me and Dani's kissing suddenly flashed through my head and I shook my head.

"Nope," I exhaled out.








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