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"Can I explain myself?" Danielle tried to get Y/n's attention.

"You seem to be doing a lot of that," Y/n coldly responded as they twirled the ice in their drink.

Danielle took a deep breath and was about to explain what happened when Olivia placed her hand on Dani's arm to signal her to stop.

It was well known in the Mo-Marsh Family that Y/n often needed cool off time. They had all experienced it before in their own way. Pushing Y/n without giving them time to process anything always came out in a shutdown or a mixture of screaming and crying.

- Danielle POV -

"Well, I'll let you two talk," Olivia gave me an odd look.

"Don't serve them anymore," She told the bartender before leaving.

I took a deep breath and sat next to Y/n.

"I don't want you to take things the wrong way. It's not what you think and I'm really sorry that you had to see that," I didn't even know how to explain myself when it came down to it.

"I don't want to talk right now," Y/n coldly responded.

"Okay," I exhaled... knowing it would be no use to try to talk when Y/n wasn't ready to listen...

So, I decided to order a drink and wait.

After a few painfully silent minutes, Y/n took a deep breath and left it out... before saying... "you've spent all weekend apologizing about things you shouldn't have to. You shouldn't apologize for things that make you happy."

I furrowed my brows a bit confused.

"You shouldn't apologize for having fun with your friends. It's not your fault I'm insecure. And you shouldn't apologize for falling in love with someone else. I obviously wasn't doing a good enough job as a partner," Y/n followed.

I snickered at Y/n's silly remark.

"You're doing a great job," I tried to hold Y/n's hand.

Y/n quickly moved it to take a sip of their drink.

I sighed and decided it probably wasn't time for us to talk yet.

The last thing I wanted was for Y/n to leave the vicinity. I couldn't afford to lose them over a big misunderstanding I wasn't even able to explain.

A few more minutes passed and I saw Y/n start to tap their fingers to the jazz music playing in the background. That gave me a sign that Y/n was calm enough to talk.

"I think you should know that-"

I started to try to explain but then saw Y/n drop their hand flat on the bar table. 

"Okay, I statements," I reminded myself.

"I am not sure what happened back there either, but I can say that-"

"Wanna dance?" Y/n suddenly asked.

"Ummm...," I was really confused.

"C'mon, let's dance!" Y/n mood had abruptly shifted.

I wasn't even given the chance to accept the invitation, when Y/n suddenly grabbed my hand and pulled me to the dance floor.

Y/n pulled me in as close as possible and we started to sway to the smooth jazz music being played.

"Oh, when you're smiling!" Y/n suddenly started to sing along to the song playing.

I couldn't help but giggle.

"The Whole World Smiles With You!!!" Y/n was clearly a little drunk.

"You clearly know the song," I teased.

"It reminds me of you. How could I not know it?" Y/n looked deeply into my eyes.

My whole soul sighed in that moment.

"But when you're crying!!" Y/n kept at it.

"YOU BRING ON THE RAIN!!!" They were starting to embarrass me a little

"You do realize it's still very early, right?" I tried to get Y/n to tone down a little.

"Right," Y/n was smiling from ear to ear.

My face twitched as I tried to hold back the biggest smile on my face, but I couldn't. So, I buried my face into Y/n's neck to not encourage their behavior.

I knew if Y/n saw how big my smile was, they would just keep on with their super adorable and silly behavior.... and as much as I absolutely loved it...

This wasn't the time for that.

"Wanna explain what happened?" Y/n suddenly whispered.

I nodded and let go of their hand to wrap both my arms around Y/n's torso. While Y/n held my waist.

"I don't know why she kissed me," I explained as we continued to dance.

"We're very close and she's a really good friend. Perhaps I gave her the wrong impression by being so friendly, but I do not have feelings for her. She kissed me as her way to confess and it was very inappropriate for her to do it in your presence, but I do intend on talking to her about it. I just wanted to make sure you were okay first," I knew I was mumbling because I didn't know what I was saying...

But I was doing my best.

"Okay," Y/n lowly responded.

"Are you... okay...?" I pulled away from Y/n's embrace to face them.

Y/n forced a smile and nodded. It didn't look like they believed me one bit.

"Baby," I cupped Y/n's face.

"I know you're only used to love that lies to you and damages you for their own selfish reasons, but can you at least try to trust that I'm not that way," I pressed my forehead against Y/n's.

"I don't know if I can do that," Y/n's eyes were filled with tears.

"You can't try to try?" I pouted a bit.

Y/n started to giggle a little and finally gave in.

"Okay, if that's what you need from me then I guueeesss... I can try," Y/n started being silly again.

I felt my smile escape again.

"You- you're not gonna leave me.... are you?" Y/n started to sulk again.

"Like even if our relationship doesn't work out? Or you fall in love with someone else...? You'll still be there...?" Y/n question broke my heart.

I felt a pout upon my face and my eyes started to water.

"Of course I will," I pulled Y/n close.

"I will always be there for you," Our lips grazed against each other's.








Author's Note: Team Haerin or Team Y/n? >.<

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