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Danielle and Y/n ended up cuddling up on the sofa. Sneaking kisses whenever Mrs. Mo wasn't looking.

The couple knew Mrs. Mo didn't care, but they were still trying to be respectful.

The day was going pretty well...

Until a fight broke out when Mr. Marsh got home.

- Y/N POV -

"We should tell him," Danielle kept insisting that we told her dad that we were dating.

"Absolutely not, he's pissed as it is. I don't need him hating me for trying to make his daughter happy," I kept rejecting the idea.

Mr. Marsh had been acting a little odd lately and I didn't know why.

I didn't want to add to whatever stress he was already going through. On top of that, I was sure I was ready for the consequences that came with openly dating Dani.

"He's not going to hate you. Why can you just get that through your head?!" Danielle raised her voice at me.

"Because I'm not you!" I raised my voice too.

"Why can't you just be happy with what we got?" I sighed out.

- Danielle POV -

"Because I want to know that you're mine. I want to know that we have a life together. I want to know you're just as committed as I am!! I don't want to be sneaking around anymore. I need you to tell me that we're together!!" I yelled out in anger.

I hated the sneaking around. I hated that Y/n refused to put it out into the world that we were dating.

I hated that I wouldn't really feel like Y/n was mine until we told my dad.

"I am yours!" Y/n yelled at me.

"No, I mean mine! For the rest of my life!!" I started to cry from anger.

"Then what the hell are we dating for if you think I don't see my life with you till the day I die?!" Y/n continued to yell.

The room suddenly went quiet.

I wasn't expecting that.

"Just let me figure things out, I just need time. I can't let the guilt eat me alive," Y/n sighed out.

At times, I forgot that telling my dad about us was much easier for more than it was for Y/n.

Y/n saw us dating as a sign of disrespect towards my dad. They felt guilty for getting something more than just a second chance at life. Y/n felt guilty for taking more than what was offered.

While I just saw it as another relationship.

I didn't think Y/n had stolen my heart because they lived with us. I always felt like I would have fallen in love with Y/n regardless.

"Alright, yeah... we'll do it when you're ready. I'm sorry for trying to rush things...," I walked over to cup Y/n's face.

Y/n still looked a little upset with me so I pecked their lips.

Y/n pouted at me and I started pampering them with kisses.

"I don't want you to leave again," Y/n suddenly whispered.

"I don't want to leave either," I whispered back.


"Y/n, it's time for bed!" Dad suddenly yelled through the bedroom door.

"Yes, Sir!" Y/n yelled back before heading back down to the living room sofa.







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