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"Baby, hurry up and put your graduation gown on!" Mrs. Mo kept rushing Y/n.

It was finally the big day and Y/n had overslept because of how tired they were from work.

"I don't understand why graduation is this early in the morning!" Olivia complained.

Olivia had gotten back home from University just a week prior. School had ended for her and she wasn't sure what she'd be doing in the summer, but she found herself somehow babysitting two soon to be high school graduates.

- Olivia POV -

There was something odd about Danielle.

I had noticed it before, when Y/n first started living with us, but this felt a little different.

"Put your tassels on," Dani kept telling Y/n.

Y/n didn't want to thought.

I had always noticed Y/n's inferiority complex, but today was a bit different. Y/n had worked so hard at all these school programs and they didn't want to wear any of the honors they got for it.

"It's okay, that's too many," Y/n kept telling Dani.

"You worked so hard, Y/n. You deserve to have a heavy hat," Mom tried to boost Y/n's ego.

Y/n only seemed to shut down even more.

"Just take them off, you know you deserve it. There's no reason to show off," I coldly stated.

Y/n just looked at me a bit ashamed.

It seemed like I had misspoken.

"Oli is right. You deserve them and you only have one chance to wear them. So, be proud. You did all this work and you did it very well," Dani suddenly spoke up.

"Put them on, we're all so proud of you!" Dad suddenly exclaimed.

"Here I got it," Dani started to help Y/n out.

I couldn't pin point what had been going on at home. I had been away for quite a while.... but everyone was treating Y/n a bit differently.

- Mrs. Mo POV -

It was a bit odd to have an extra kid at graduation, but it also felt so good.

I think as a mother....

It was hard to not be proud of the kids you helped raised, whether they're yours or not.

"OKAY, ANOTHER ONE!!!" I yelled a bit too excited.

It was a long graduation ceremony and the kids had to go at very different times during the ceremony, but it was all worth the wait.

"Mooommmmm!!!" Dani whined out.

"Just a cute one, a little kiss one!!" I requested all excited.

Danielle and Y/n looked at each other a bit tensed, before shaking their heads to refuse.

"Ohhh, C'mon! Just a cute one!!!" I kept begging.

All the pictures I kept getting of the kids were of them making funny faces at each other or sticking their tongues out.

I wasn't a fan of it.

"For god's sake, just kiss each other on the cheek so we can leave!!" Olivia suddenly yelled.

- Danielle POV -

Mom and Sis were not having it with me and Y/n all day. We had been so annoying since we both woke up.

For one, I woke up late and Y/n woke up in their work clothes. The other instances...., well it was me and Y/n being stupid.

"Just give each other a quick kiss!" Daddy suddenly started to side with Mom and Olivia.

Y/n looked me in the eye for a split second and I noticed the intension in their eyes.

Y/n was good with words when it was very important, but when it came to subtle and silly things like this... they didn't know how to act....

"Kiss?" I cooed at Y/n.

Y/n just turned their head in the opposite way and I took my chance to quickly kiss Y/n's cheek.

"Okay, Y/n! Now, kiss Dani's cheek back!" My mom yelled.

Y/n looked stunned for a second.

"Please, Y/n hasn't had a mommy to show them affection. How can we expect them to kiss Dani back? We'll be sitting here for ages before that happens!" Oli tried to joke.

- Y/N POV -

Olivia's comment didn't sit well with me.

It wasn't because it wasn't true. It was because it was true... and... it hurt. Instead of having my own mother at graduation, I had a bunch of strangers.

A part of me always wanted to blame Mr. Marsh for it.

If it wasn't for him, maybe my mom would've just learnt her lesson and taken me back. Maybe she would've shown up at graduation. Maybe she would've come to get me at the Marsh house.

"Oli, shut up!!" Dani suddenly defended me.

I knew it was a joke and I'm sure everyone else knew it was a joke, but Danielle took it upon herself to say it wasn't funny.

I appreciate her for that....

So, I gathered all my courage and kissed Danielle on the cheek.

Mrs. Mo and Mr. Marsh quickly took a shot of it....

And I groaned in annoyance.

"Good, it worked!" Oli suddenly exclaimed.









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