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While everyone walked back into the cabin to give Y/n some space, one person decided to stay behind.


Haerin wasn't sure what to say, but she wanted to help. She couldn't bear to see Danielle begging Y/n to stay.

- Y/N POV -

I sat on the bed of my truck...

Feeling both a little relieved and frustrated.

I thought I was completely alone for a second until I heard a soft, "I'm sorry", coming from behind me.

I turned around to find Haerin standing in the mud.

"Dont break up with her because of me," Haerin awkwardly stood there.

I sighed and turned back to relax.

"You're not the reason," I informed her.

"You certainly didn't help, but that's not why I chose to end things," I explained.

"Then what's the reason?" Haerin sounded confused.

"It's none of your business," I answered a little annoyed.

Suddenly, I heard squishy footsteps begin to circle the truck and I came face to face with Haerin. She stood on her tippy toes and rested her chin on the railing of the truck.

"This kid is weird," I thought to myself.

"I don't know you, but I know Dani unnie pretty well. She's nice and she talks about you very often. She was really worried that you weren't home so she came all this way just for you," Haerin started mumbling.

I wanted to tell her to just shut up and go inside, but I thought it was kind of cute that she was trying to get me to change my mind.

"Look, Danielle and I just have different lives. We're different people... and that's alright... she's coddled me enough. I can't keep holding her hand for the rest of my life," I explained.

I wanted to believe that Danielle was right about us making things work. I wanted to believe that Danielle would always be there for me, but I knew that was all just delusions.

I didn't want us to keep going with this relationship just for me to end up alone in the end.

It was easier for it to be all over while we were young and could recover easily.

I wasn't too worried about being alone anyway. I knew Danielle would have her family for support and I would grow stronger from the heartbreak.

It just seemed like the best option for the moment.

Haerin took a deep breath and gave me an awkward smile..., "Alright," she exhaled and started walking back to the cabin.

- Olivia POV -

I woke up super hungover. Some of my friends had already left the cabin, while others were helping with the cleanup.

I looked out the living room window to find Y/n asleep in the bed of their truck. I walked out to make sure they were alright, but then remembered how much of an idiot Y/n was the night before...


I banged on the side of the truck.

Y/n jolted up a bit startled and groaned from the brightness of the sun.

"I do my best for you idiots and here you come fucking it all up," I began to scold.

"Exactly, what did I do now?" Y/n yawned.

I was a bit hopeful that Y/n might have been too drunk to remember what happened, but was disillusioned when Y/n said, "Oh that."

"That?" I started punching on Y/n's arm.

"Ooww," Y/n mumbled.

"Can we go? I have to talk to Mom and Mr. Marsh about moving out," Y/n was now annoyed.

- Danielle POV -

I walked out of the cabin rubbing my eyes from the harsh sun.

"I'll tell Mom we're on our way," I heard Olivia's voice in the distance.

"Let me just go say bye to Dani," I kept hearing her talk but I didn't know where she was.

I looked around to try to find her, but she ended up finding me first.

"Hey, we're gonna head home now. Get back to the university safely and give me a call when you get there," Olivia pulled me into a hug.

"You're just leaving?" I pulled away a bit confused.

"Yeah, Y/n wants to catch Mom and Dad when they're both home," Olivia explained.

"Umm, but what about... you know...," I wasn't sure how to ask her if maybe Y/n had changed their mind.

"I think it's for the best. If that's what Y/n wants then I don't think we can do anything about it," Olivia pulled me into another hug.

Olivia genuinely sounded like she had just given up on whatever was going on with me and Y/n.

"But I don't want this," I pushed her away a bit.

"I don't think you have a choice. It's not like you can reject a breakup," Olivia sighed.

I felt my eyes began to water.

"It'll be okay," Olivia rubbed my arm.

"Whatever," I rolled my eyes and walked back into the cabin.

"Guess it's really over, huh?" Hanni suddenly asked... looking out the window...

"Y-yeah," I answered a bit choked up.






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