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Now that Danielle knew that Y/n had feelings for her too, things had gotten a bit more tensed between the pair. 

Y/n kept rejecting Danielle, but Danielle wasn't giving up so easily.

- Danielle POV -

Y/n kept giving me mixed signals. One second they be treating me like they wanted me as far away as possible and the next they'd be so sweet.

"Why are you being so weird lately?" I asked Y/n, as I drove them to work.

"I already told you why," Y/n coldly responded.

I sighed in annoyance.

Y/n always gave me the same excuse.

Yes, Y/n had a point and I felt a little guilty too, but Dad would get over it eventually.

"It doesn't hurt to try," I exhaled out.

"Maybe it wouldn't hurt you, but I'd hurt me," Y/n coldly said before walking out of my car.

I never understood what that meant.

Y/n always said it as if it was the most obvious thing ever.

- Y/N POV -

Danielle didn't seem to understand that I had more to lose than she did if we started dating.

She just had to date me and that was it.

I had to worry about what Mr. Marsh would think of me, I had to worry about losing the respect of the people I currently trust the most, I could possibly even lose The Marsh family as friends for three rest of my life.

"What's with you lately?" My supervisor asked.

I looked at him a little confused.

"You've been all tense and cranky," he explained.

"It's because Y/n thinks Andrew will kick them out at 18!" My boss suddenly interjected.

"I've been friends with Andrew for years and I can confidently say that Andrew would not do that. You could be 30 and he'd still be there for you. You're like one of his kids now. He wouldn't do that to you. So relax!" My boss chuckled out, patting my back for comfort.

But, all I could think about was... "Great. Now I'm one of his kids?"

It was stressful enough as it was to even have feelings for Danielle. I didn't need to be her adoptive sibling in the process.

Either way, my boss wasn't wrong.

I wasn't just stressed because of Danielle. I was also stressed, because graduation was coming up and soon after that... it was my 18th birthday.

The last thing I need was to start a relationship when I was about be homeless again.

- Danielle POV -

All I could do when I got home was think about Y/n.

I wanted to know what was going through their head, if they thought about me throughout the day, if I good enough for them, and if they even liked living here anymore.

I knew I was stubborn.

I knew that when I wanted something, I had just had to have it.

I guess I was just really ambitious in a way.

"Dani!!!" I heard mom yell from downstairs.

"Coming!!" I yelled back, getting up from my bed.

I lazy got up and made my way downstairs.

"You got another college accepted letter!!!" My excitedly exclaimed.

I gave her a forced smile and look over at the letter she was looking at.

It was a letter from The University of Melbourne.

I took a deep breath once I saw the university logo. It wasn't my first choice, but I had yet to receive a letter from my first choice UNSW Sydney.

Aside from educational reasons, I had wanted to be a lot closer to home... but if I got rejected from UNSW Sydney then I'd have to go with the latter.

"Good evening!!" Y/n suddenly walked into the house.

"Hi, baby!" Mom greeted them.

I just watched as Y/n took off their shoes and work jacket.

"What are you doing here? Don't you get out late today?" Mom asked, greeting Y/n with a hug.

"There was too many people at the site, so I was told to go home," Y/n awkwardly hugged her back.

"That's good. You're just in time for the good news!" Mom cheerfully announced.

I knew what she was about to say, so I did my best to just get out of there. I didn't want to Y/n's reaction.

"Dani got into Melbourne!!" My mom exclaimed before I could even reach the stairs.

"Melbourne?" Y/n asked a bit confused.

"University!!" Mom squealed out of excitement.

"Ooh," Y/n shortly replied.

I knew Y/n wouldn't care and their reaction just confirmed it.

I sighed out in frustration and tried to head up the stairs again, but Y/n suddenly exclaimed... "I didn't know they let goldfish brains into that university!"

I bit the inside of my cheek in annoyance.

"That's was uncalled for," I thought to myself.

Y/n suddenly walked up to me and pulled me into a hug. "Congratulations!" Y/n gently rubbed my back.

As much as I liked being in Y/n's arms, it felt odd. It awkward and tensed. It almost even felt  forced.

"Thanks," I gently pushed Y/n.

Y/n and I locked eyes for a moment, before I couldn't take it anymore and just ran up to my room.

- Y/N POV -

I was so confused as to why Danielle just walked away like that. That's until, Mrs. Mo said... "Don't mind her. It's just the Melbourne isn't her first choice and her first choice hasn't sent her letter out yet".

I took a deep breath and nodded my head in understatement.

I guess Danielle was stressed about more things than I thought.

For me, I always thought Danielle just had it easy. She didn't have to work or worry about her livelihood like I did.

But what the hell do I know.

I'm not her and I don't know how she feels.

"She'll be okay. Don't worry too much," Mrs. Mo tried to reassure me.

"Why don't you go up and shower and I'll start making dinner?" She followed.

"Okay," I respectfully answered, before making my way up the stairs.








Author's Note: Any of you heading off to college soon or are in college? .-.

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