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Danielle wasted no time in getting Y/n back into the house. In Dani's eyes, Y/n had earned their spot in the family. Y/n hadn't done anything but be a grateful and respectful kid.

"What are you doing back here?" Mr. Marsh had it out for Y/n.

"Stop!" Danielle yelled in anger.

"Do you think it's a joke?" Dani was more disappointed than she had ever been.

"Do you think it's funny to bring in a kid who needs love and nurture and then you just kick them out like it all meant nothing?" Danielle was not holding back.

"That's not what happened!" Mr. Marsh was upset too.

Mr. Marsh didn't understand why Danielle couldn't see his point of view.

Up until now, Danielle had been the sweet daughter to always be by her father's side. Through the bad, the good, and the silly.... Danielle was daddy's little girl through and through...

"That is exactly what happened!" Dani put her foot down.

"What was all that talk about teaching Y/n what love is and basic needs? Isn't a basic need patience and understanding? Y/n did nothing but come to you with something they were struggling with. Would you treat me like that if I came to you with something I wanted to talk about? Would you turn me down or shame me for trying to talk?!" Danielle was enraged at this point.

"It's not-" Mr. Marsh was about to speak.

"Y/n is your kid now too. Act like it. Listen, advise, and guide them. Don't disrespect me like that again. Because when you disrespect Y/n like that..... you're disrespecting me...," Dani coldly stated, before dragging Y/n along to her room.

- Mrs. Mo POV -

"Wow," was all I could say.

"We should have never brought that kid in," Andrew sighed out.

"Excuse me?" I asked a bit offended.

"This was all your idea. You brought Y/n into this home. And now what? You regret it?" I was at a loss for words.

"That's not the-" Andrew was about to speak but I quickly cut him off.

"You always tell Danielle to fight for what she wants. To work hard and be the best person she can be. She did just that and that brought her something fruitful. All she did was reach out to that kid and show them that not everyone is ever going to judge them before loving them. Why are you so mad about that? Why are you so upset that Y/n is just like us but without all the smiles in between? Why do you have to be so protective of her? Danielle wants nothing but to be happy," I finally lost my temper.

"Dani is my little girl," Andrew answered with a hoarsed voice.

"And as Daddy's girl, she should get whatever she wants. Including Y/n!" I unknowingly raised my voice.

In my eyes, I saw no one better than Y/n to date our daughter.

I liked Y/n. Olivia liked Y/n. Everyone in our family liked Y/n...

But somehow Andrew was up in his head about his little girl.

"Y/n just isn't good enough for her," Andrew lowly answered.

- Mr. Marsh POV -

"Wow, I can't believe it. Dani actually has a good reason to be disappointed in you this time," Jiwon shook her head before walking away.

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