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"So, I'll probably just be here for a few more weeks while I look for a place," Y/n explained to Danielle's parents.

"Are you sure? I mean, no one is kicking you out or anything," Mr. Marsh felt a little guilty.

"I think it's time for me to take the next step in life. You have both treated me so well and I've learned a lot about what healthy relationships look like. Thank you so much for everything. I will miss you very much," Y/n was very serious about their decision.

"If that's what you feel like you need to do, we can't do anything but support you," Mrs. Mo reached over to hold Y/n's hand. 

"Thank you."

- Danielle POV -

I couldn't stop crying.

It had been two weeks and I couldn't believe that my whole family was on board with Y/n moving out. I also couldn't believe that Y/n had left out the fact that we broke up.

It was very much like Y/n though. Our relationship had nothing to do with my family so it was none of their business what we were and weren't doing.




I was suddenly sucked out of my thoughts by Minji.

"Yeah, sorry," I sniffled a bit.

"Your sister is here," she informed me.

I wiped away some of my tears and walked out of my room to find Olivia standing there with a box. "What are you doing here?" I asked with a hoarse voice.

"Umm, brought you this," She awkwardly responded.

"What is it?" I was really tired.

Olivia stepped up to show me what was in the box and my heart began to break all over again.

"Umm, I thought you might want some of these things. Y/n left them behind and ummm... I just maybe... we could throw them away together or burn them... or something," Olivia didn't sound like she was sure how to explain herself.

"It's f-fine," My voice cracked as I pulled out one of Y/n's hoodies from the box.

"I found that underneath your bed," Olivia informed me.

I looked through some of the other things in the box and my heart started drifting from sadness to happiness to anger.

Y/n had left behind a pair of work boots, a hoodie, a flannel, notes we used to pass during class, a bracelet I made them, and a picture of us at graduation.

"Umm, what if Y/n wants these things back?" I asked a bit hesitant to keep them.

"I called. Y/n doesn't want them," Olivia exhaled.

I took a deep breath and nodded.

"Alright. Thanks," I grabbed the box from her and started walking back to my room.

"Okay, guess I'll see you later!" Olivia said as I walked away.

"Mhm," I lowly responded.

- Mr. Marsh POV -

"Heard your kid and Y/n broke up?" My friend asked during our morning fishing session.

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