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Getting Danielle off of Y/n had become an impossible mission. Dani just wanted to cuddle and be in Y/n's arms as much as she could.

Meanwhile, Y/n felt a bit overstimulated.

It was nice to get to freely love Danielle, but the two had very different forms of loving.

- Y/N POV -

In the span of eight hours, Danielle had gotten super clingy. She was like a koala hugging a tree. It was starting to make me anxious.

"Dani, I gotta go home," I kept trying to push her off me.

"Nuh Uh, you're mine!" Danielle kept on pouting.

Dani wouldn't even let me get off the bed to pee. I had to lay in bed all morning waiting for her to wake up and now she wouldn't get off me.

"Can I at least go pee?" I huffed out.

Dani finally let me go and I jumped off the bed. I was so relieved to have her off me.

- Danielle POV -

It was hard to let Y/n go.

How can I let go of the one person I've been wanting this whole time?

"Dani, I gotta go home," Y/n kept whining.

"No, you're mine and I don't want you to," I pouted.

Y/n pecked my lips a little and I giggled, snuggling into Y/n's chest.

"Seriously, your dad is going to start calling soon," Y/n whispered, kissing my forehead.

I hated how my dad had to part of every conversation. I hated how somehow, my dad was the biggest thing in the way of me getting with Y/n.

It wasn't even his fault.

I was always Daddy's girl and if I really pushed to be with Y/n then he'd have no choice but to allow it. I only respected the excuse of my Dad, because it was Y/n.

Y/n was nothing but grateful towards my dad. I couldn't disrespect that.

I finally thought things through, sighed, and pulled myself together. "Fine, call me when you get home," I started to get off from the bed.

Y/n quickly got up without hesitation and I felt a bit offended. I watched as Y/n started to put on their shoes and grab their things.

I felt a bit used or maybe even misled.

Y/n showed great care throughout the night, but now they were eager to leave.

"So, what does this make us? Was it just a random moment of weakness for you or are we dating? What did this mean to you?" My emotions started to get the best of me.

It felt a bit like maybe I had let my guard down too. I hadn't realized that I liked Y/n that much.

I was just staring to get insecure, when Y/n suddenly cupped my face and said... "Dani, don't go getting in your head about this. I think I already disrespected your dad as it is, so it's not like I can take it all back."

I turned my head a bit, knowing I was starting to blush. Y/n hadn't really answered my questions, but they did say they weren't going to take things back.

"I mean, I don't know how things are going to workout between us from now on but I'm sure we'll figure something out," Y/n pulled me into a kiss.

I couldn't help but smile against Y/n's lips.

"Yeah, okay," I nervously mumbled out.

My brain had drawn a blank at this point and I had no idea what was even gone anymore. I was too in my feelings to keep on with my attention.

- Y/N POV -

Over the last week, Danielle would text me at all hours of the day and she'd call me at least 3 times a day.

It was kind of cute, but I felt bad when I'd have to tell her that I was busy.

I understood that Dani had more spared time than I did, but she couldn't seem to understand that I was at work for at least 10 hours a day. Before, I was only a part-timer but now I was on full-time... on top of that... I was over 18, so I could take on extra shifts.

"How was work today?" Dani asked on the other line.

I had 3 missed calls from her and 10 text messages by the time I got off work. So, I called her back to check in with her.

"It was good. I actually got a pay raise, so it was better than most days!" I told her the good news.

"Oh my god! Good job, baby!!" Danielle squealed over the phone.

Dani had gone into full girlfriend mode. We hadn't officially asked each other out, but the mutual feelings we had sort of solidified our relationship in a way.

"Thanks," I awkwardly replied.

I wasn't used to Dani's affectionate nicknames. I was barely used to her mother's pet names for me, so I had a hard time responding in an appropriate way when she'd call "Babe" or "Baby" or whatever other silly nicknames came to her mind.

"Umm, so I was wondering if you'll be busy this weekend? I want to maybe come down there or if you wanted to... maybe you could come up here...?" I could hear Dani's voice start to get a little shaky.

She knew that being clingy over the phone was one thing, but physically it was different.

"Umm..., I have Sunday and Monday off... but I don't know. I mean... I have a hard time staring your dad in the face as it is," I cleared my throat a bit.

"Pleassseee!!" Dani started to coo over the phone.

"Dani," I sighed out.

"Pllleeeassse. I miss you!" I could just picture her pouting.

The thought of her started to make my heart race.

"Fine, but I'm coming down there. Because one, you have class and two I'm not about to disrespect your dad's house," I sighed out.

"Yyyaayy!" Dani screeched over the phone.

"I'm pulling up to the house, so I'm hanging up! Byeee!!" I chuckled out.

I knew Dani wasn't even paying attention to what I had said, because she too busy squealing to herself.

"Byyeeee!!" I said before hanging up.

I knew Dani would either text me, because I just abruptly hung up, or I'd call her back once I was in my room.








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