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Danielle spent all weekend trying to ease Y/n's mind with kisses, cuddles, and makeout sessions. She was also just trying to make up for the fact that she really missed Y/n all week.

"Good morning!" Dani cooed at Y/n, watching them wake up.

"Morning," Y/n groggily answered.

Dani had woken up early on Monday because she had class, but once she noticed Y/n next to her...

She chose to skip it.

- Danielle POV -

It felt like Y/n was only here for a few hours, even though Y/n was here all weekend.

It didn't take long for Y/n to go back home. So, for the rest of the week, I couldn't wait for the weekend to come again.

"Finally!" I squealed out when Friday came around.

I went to my one class for the day, then packed a bag to go back home.

I wanted to surprise Y/n. So, I didn't let them know that I was on my way home.

- Y/N POV -

I was tired and dirty.

"Hey honey, how was work?" Mrs. Mo asked when I got home from work.

"It was good," I greeted her with a kiss on the cheek.

Dani's habits had worn off on me.

"Make sure to leave your work clothes by the stairs. I'm doing laundry today!" Mrs. Mo yelled as I walked up the stairs.

"Okay. Thank you!" I yelled back.

Mrs. Mo had been really kind to me this whole time. I had even confided in her some of my deepest feelings.

I had also told her about what happened with Danielle the weekend prior.

"What a day?" I exhaled out in exhaustion as I walked into my room.

"SURPRISE!!!" someone suddenly yelled from behind me.

All of a sudden, I was tackled to the ground and I immediately knew who it was.

"Dani, I'm all dirty!!" I squealed out as Danielle climbed up to kiss me.

"I don't care!" She giggled out.

I playfully tried to crawl out of her grip but Dani was strong enough to pull me back.

"Kiss me!!" Danielle began to wine.

I chuckled at her cute behavior and finally gave in.

I was about to pull her into a kiss...

When we suddenly heard Mr. Marsh yell from downstairs... "Where's my little girl?!"

- Danielle POV -

I had completely forgotten about my dad.

It wasn't so much that I had forgotten about him. It was that I had forgotten about how pissed off he would be if he caught me and Y/n acting like a couple.

"Dani!!" We suddenly heard someone running up the stairs.

Y/n and I quickly got off the floor. Y/n grabbed their towel and quickly ran into the bathroom.

"There's daddy's little girl!!" Daddy suddenly ran into my room.

"Hi, Daddy!!" I gave him a big old hug.

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