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After what she witnessed on the first day of school, Danielle started being a lot nicer to Y/n.

Y/n had it hard enough as it was, Y/n didn't need to go home to more shit. Specially really unnecessary bickering over silly things that really didn't matter.

- Y/N POV -

"C'mon, eat up. I didn't bring snacks for class today," Danielle kept trying to get me to eat my lunch.

But, I really wasn't hungry.

It had been two weeks since school started again and Danielle had not left my side since.

She was almost love bombing me.

It was a bit uncomfortable, but I didn't want to be rude.

Danielle wouldn't leave my side.

She'd walk me to class. She'd have me eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner with her. She'd have me sit next to her during class. She'd always ask who I was talking to when she saw me talking to someone on the hallways. She'd even stick by my side at home.

At home, Danielle always wanted me to sleep in her room and every morning she'd lay out a whole outfit for me to wear.

At least she didn't force me to wear her clothes, but she started sharing a bit more.

It was so weird and an uncomfortable.


Lunch finally ended and I was relieved to finally get some time for myself.

The peace didn't last too long though.

Class went by fast and soon I found myself in psychology class, sitting next to Danielle.

Danielle had developed this habit of keeping her hand on my leg the entire class. It was to get me to not shake my leg, but it honestly just made me even more anxious.

Danielle was very touchy. She'd hold my arm a lot while we walked or she'd randomly hug me throughout the day.

Even when we slept, I'd sometimes wake up in the middle of the night from Danielle trying to cuddle with me.

It was all a bit too much for me, but there was nothing I could do about it.

If it wasn't for Danielle....

Then I would have never met The Marsh-Mo Family.

"Hi, how can I help you?" The teacher suddenly stopped his PowerPoint.

The whole class turned to look at the door and the principal had walked in with a cop....

Along with my mother.

My heart suddenly sank to my stomach.

"Could we talk to Y/n please?" The principal requested.

"Y-yeah," Our teacher stuttered out.

I gulped a bit nervously and grabbed my things.

I was about to get up, when Danielle suddenly grabbed my hand.

I shook my head at her and let her hand go before following the principal out of class.

- Danielle POV -

My heart dropped when the principal asked to see Y/n.

I didn't know why there was a cop with her or why there was another lady with them, but I was really nervous.

Y/n didn't end up coming back to class.

"Hey, what was that about?" Hanni asked as I tried to rush out of class.

Hanni was the only one of my friends who knew that Y/n was staying with us. Everyone else just thought I was being nice.

"I don't know," I answered her a bit agitated.

"I gotta call my dad," I hugged her goodbye before rushing out to call Dad.

It didn't take long for Dad to leave work and rush over to the school.

We both nervously ran into the principal's office and immediately heard yelling coming from the main office.

"We can't drop the charges if Y/n doesn't agree!" We heard a stern deep voice.

"Y/n is a minor with no say. Y/n is just lying why can't you understand that?!?" We heard a woman yell.

"That's not why we called you down here!" We heard The Principal raise her voice.

"You can't kick out a minor! Do you want to be arrested too?!" The deep voice sounded angrier.

"Mr. Marsh, you can't be in here right now," The Secretary suddenly told us.

I turned to look at Dad and he looked visibly upset.

"Dani, why don't you go and wait outside?" Dad asked.

I didn't really want to, but I nodded in agreement.

Dad was in the office for a really long time. I was starting to get nervous that he might have gotten in trouble with the police or something.

Suddenly, Y/n walked out of the office.

I let out a deep breath the second I saw them and ran up to hug them.

"Dani, I don't really want to be touched right now," Y/n said a bit tired.

I was shocked that Y/n had called me 'Dani'. The entire time we had known each other, Y/n hadn't called me that even once.

Not even after I said they could.

"Okay, sorry," I lowly answered and let Y/n go.

Y/n took a deep breath and gave me a sad smile.

"Umm, I'm gonna just walk home," Y/n sniffled out a bit.

It looked like they were about to cry.

My heart broke into a million pieces at the sight.

I had been doing everything to protect Y/n and make them feel loved and included, but I didn't know how to fix this.

I didn't even know what was going on to be able to help out.

I knew how to protect Y/n from other people and how to show them love, but I didn't know what they were really dealing with to be able to comfort them.

"D-do you want m-me to walk with you?" I stuttered out, as I too started to tear up.

"No, it's okay. I'm just going home," Y/n answered.

I gulped a bit nervous.

"Who was that lady?" I gathered up the courage to ask.

"My mom," Y/n sniffled out.

"Umm, I'm gonna just go. See ya," Y/n started to choke up before trying to walk away.

I started to get nervous once Y/n said that lady was their mom.

If Y/n's mom was at the school then it probably meant that Y/n had to go back home.

"Wait, are you going to my home or your home?" I sniffled out.

Y/n started tearing up even more and took a deep breath. Eventually, Y/n didn't say anything and just started to walk out of the school.








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