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Danielle was disappointment that Y/n had fallen asleep in the car, but she understood that Y/n was just really tired from work.

When they got home, Dani managed to convince Y/n to sleep in her bed instead of sleeping alone in her sister's room.

After all, Y/n had only been sleeping in Danielle's sister's room to not wake Dani up when they got home late. 

- Danielle POV -

It was kind of surreal to wake up and see Y/n on my bed.

I went from watching Y/n lay their head down on the grass from the park across the street to watching them lay their head down on my pillow.

"You look much more peaceful sleeping in my bed," I thought to myself as I watched Y/n sleep.

I carefully analyzed every feature on Y/n's face.

The way their brows curved as they slept, the way their nose twitched a little as they dreamt, the way they mouth curved down as if they were sad.

"I want to kiss you," I suddenly thought to myself as I admired Y/n's lips.

"Wtf?" I whispered under my breath, realizing what had just popped into my head.

"KIDS, BREAKFAST IS READY!!" I suddenly heard mom yell from downstairs.

Y/n was still asleep so I didn't brother to wake them up.

I put on a jacket and walked downstairs to eat with mom.

"Where's Y/n?" Mom asked.

"Still sleeping," I answered.

"Yummy, pancakes!" I exclaimed once I noticed what was for breakfast.

"Dani, do you like Y/n?" Mom suddenly asked me.

I looked at her a little confused, but she looked dead serious.

"Yeah, I mean Y/n's pretty cool," I answered a bit hesitantly.

My mom giggled a little before clarifying her question.

"I mean, do you like Y/n in that way?" Mom got serious again.

"Huh? Of course not. Y/n's just our little baby. I always want to protect them and make sure they're okay!" I answered a little confused.

I didn't understand why mom was asking me this all of a sudden.

"Why?" I asked a bit curious.

"Just making sure," Mom simply answered.

- Y/N POV -

I woke a little groggy and realized Danielle had already gotten out of bed.

I got up to brush my teeth and started to walk downstairs, when I overheard a conversation I probably shouldn't have.

"I mean, do you like Y/n in that way?" Mrs. Mo seemed to be asking Dani.

"Huh? Of course not. Y/n's just our little baby. I always want to protect them and make sure they're okay!" Danielle confidently answered.

I was a little hurt by her answer.

I'd be lying if said I didn't at least have a tiny crush on Danielle.

She was kind, sweet, really pretty, super respectful, and kind of funny. She had a lot of energy at times, but it was part of her charm.

Either way, I knew nothing could happen between us.

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