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Time was going by fast in The Marsh family home.

Danielle had finished her college exams and started applying to university. She started preparing for graduation and was starting to buy little things she'd need for college.

Danielle was so ready to be done with high school.

She just had one more thing to do before graduation.

Go to the prom.



Y/n was just getting ready for their 18th birthday.

- Danielle POV -

The girls and I were getting ready for prom at Hanni's house.

We had music playing while we all got dressed, put makeup on, and did our hairs.

It was a bit chaotic, but it was kind of fun.

"I bet Y/n will finish up their test and run down to the prom to dace with you!" Lily said as I put on mascara.

The girls all knew about my little crush on Y/n.

They had actually pointed out that Y/n probably peeked my interest ever since the first night we met.

I wasn't the type to meddle into people's business too much, but with Y/n.... it was different.

"This isn't a movie, Lily. Y/n isn't just going to leave work for a silly dance," Hanni sassed Lily.

"Yeah, Y/n really likes their job anyway. Plus, I don't think Y/n likes me that much to leave work just for me," I answered as I finished up my makeup.

It was true.

I didn't really think Y/n liked me the same way I liked them.

Y/n never looked too interested in me. It always seemed like they just saw things as playful flirting or silly little jokes.

It probably didn't help that I was always trying to convince myself that I didn't like them. I was always trying to hide the fact that I like them.

"All I'm saying is that it would be really cute if Y/n did come to prom. Whether they do or not is up for debate!" Lily sassed us.

I playfully rolled my eyes knowing it was just wishful thinking.

"Yeah, okay. Leave your delusions behind and help me with my dress!" I sassed her back.

- Y/N POV -

I was breaking up asphalt bags all night.

I was really proud of myself. Earlier in the day, I had passed my accreditations test.

Which meant I was going to get a raise and was able to help out with more things at our work sites.

The busier I was the less stressed I felt and it was all perfect timing too. My raise would be enough for me to sustain myself once I turned 18.

"Hey, do you think you can stay a few extra hours? Mark got into a car accident earlier today and we can't find someone to cover his shift," My supervisor suddenly approached me.

As much as I wanted to say 'no', I really needed the overtime money.

"Yeah, sure. No problem at all," I answered him.

I had actually planned to try to make it to the prom. I wanted to go have some fun and watch Danielle have the time of her life. I was only going to go for the last hour, but now work seemed a little more important than that.

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