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Everything went back to normal between Danielle and Y/n after Dani's birthday.

Y/n and Danielle went back to bickering and pretending like nothing happened between them.

Maybe things did change a bit, but not too much.

- Danielle POV -

Literally right after our kiss, Y/n and I went back bickering.

It was mostly because Y/n gets extremely hot when they sleep. It got to the point where I had to kick Y/n to the floor because of how burning hot it felt to have Y/n next to me.

"I get the bottom bunk. I'm older!" I sassed Y/n.

"Only by a few months!" Y/n responded.

"Plus, I should have the bottom bunk because of work!" Y/n rebutted.

"What does that have to do with anything?!" I rolled my eyes in annoyance.

"Kids!" Dad finally stepped into our little arguing session.

"Y/n gets the bottom bunk so they don't wake you up late at night when they get home from work," He sternly told us.

Over the weekend, Y/n and I had been bickering about having to sleep on the same bed. So, Dad decided to buy us a bunk bed.

Specially because Olivia was so mad that Y/n had covered her room with dirt and asphalt.  So, Y/n was no longer allowed to sleep in her room.

"Ha!" Y/n mocked me.

I just rolled my eyes in response.

"Don't be bitter. I'll share my bed when I'm feeling nice!" Y/n teased.

I bit my lip a bit annoyed, knowing there was undertones to that statement.

Ever since my birthday, Y/n had started to randomly flirt with me... but it wasn't normal flirting or cute flirting. It was the annoying kind that makes you want to rip someone's head off.

Y/n never said cute things that would make my heart flutter. It was always arguments that just ended up annoying me more in the moment.

It would only be a few minutes later that I would realize what Y/n was actually trying to imply.

"How's this one?" Daddy asked us.

We had been looking for the perfect bunk bed for about an hour now and we were all getting tired.

It was late on a school night and we all getting hungry. So, I just answered... "I don't care anymore. Let's just pick whatever."

"Yeah, I really don't care as long as you get me away from this one," Y/n rudely agreed.

Dad just sighed.

He was done with our shit too.

"Why don't we just grab the one down there? That one seemed bigger anyway and it had storage," Mom suggested.

Dad looked at me and Y/n, and we both just shrugged in response.

We ended just grabbing the one Mom suggested.

We were all too tired to keep debating on what bed to get.

- Y/N POV -

Danielle and I had to wait a few days until Mr. Marsh and I had the time to build the bunk bed together. So, until then, Dani and I still had to share a bed.

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