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"I'm stealing your shirt," Danielle told Y/n as she got dressed.

The relationship between Danielle and Y/n had more or less turned into a summer fling. Danielle would go over to Y/n for a few hours, steal Y/n clothes when she was too lazy to find her own,  and then go back home like nothing happened.

It had been like this for about two weeks now.

"Okay, just dont take any of my new T-shirts!" Y/n yelled from the shower.

Dani didn't listen though. That's exactly what she had her eyes on as soon as she opened Y/n's closet.

- Danielle POV -

I was scrolling through Instagram when Olivia suddenly stopped what she was doing and looked at me weirdly.

"Where'd you get that shirt?" She asked, looking a little suspicious.

"A place," I blankly answered.

"What place?" She followed up.

"I don't know what kind of place it was, Olivia. Just a place," I answered a bit annoyed.

"Really? 'Cus I have a friend I recently went shopping with and they bought that exact same shirt. Maybe you bought it at the same place," Olivia knew something.

I put my phone down and glared at her.

"What friend is this?" I smugly asked.

"Just a friend," Olivia tried to play it off.

"I actually left my lipstick at their place. Maybe you should come with so we can find out what shop you got that shirt from?" She started to sound like knew where the shirt came from.

At first, I thought she was just guessing or teasing me...

But now, I was starting to think Olivia still kept in contact with Y/n.

"Okay, let's go! I'd love to know too," I bluffed.

Only to have Olivia pull up to Y/n's place.

- Olivia POV -

I wasn't an idiot. I knew Y/n was seeing someone. Every time I came to visit, their place looked a little more lived in than usual.

Y/n wasn't someone who needed much. They had the basics at their place, but I started getting a little suspicious when I started seeing artwork, throw pillows, and actual food at their place.

"This is it!" I was waiting for Danielle's reaction, but she just kept playing dumb.

The more she acted like she couldn't even recognize Y/n's truck... the more suspicious I got...


I knocked on Y/n's door.

It took a few minutes for Y/n to open the door, but they eventually opened.

"Hey, what's up?" Y/n greeted me... but their smile got wider when they saw Danielle behind me...

"Hey," Y/n greeted her so casually.

"I knew it!" I playfully smacked Y/n.

"I knew you were seeing someone. Why didn't you tell me it was my sister?!" I poked Y/n's arm.

"I- I- I don't know!" Y/n exclaimed.

"And why didn't you tell me you were hanging out with my sister?!" Danielle started scolding too.

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