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"Ready to go?" Y/n nervously asked.

While Dani tried to figure out what Y/n and Oli had been talking about, Y/n was a nervous wreck about going on a date with Dani.

"Mhm!" Dani cutely answered with her doe eyes.

"Alright!" Y/n started to blush

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"Alright!" Y/n started to blush.

"We'll be back later!" Dani yelled as she skipped her way out the house.

- Y/N POV -

I was really nervous about going on a public date with Danielle. I didn't want the word to someone end up in Mr. Marsh's ear.

Still, I couldn't help but give Danielle the best treatment I could.

She was the cutest girlfriend, after all.

"Hehe, Keys!" Dani cutely turned with an open hand.

I knew she wanted the keys to my truck, but i couldn't help and give her something else instead.

I wrapped my arm around her waist and abruptly pulled her into a passionate kiss. Dani quickly cupped my face and pulled me ever closer.

It took a few seconds before we pulled away. We were both desperate for more kisses, but we knew we'd have time for that later.

"Okay, you can drive!" Dani giggled.

- Danielle POV -

It didn't take long before I was struggling to put on my skates.

I was actually kind of nervous about our date. I hadn't roller skated since I was a kid. I was scared I'd fall on my ass and make a fool of myself in front of Y/n.

"Here, I got it!" Y/n chuckled as they started to help me with my skates.

That gesture just made me even more nervous.

Y/n was always so sweet.

After a few more minutes of Y/n having to baby me because I couldn't follow instructions, we were finally skating around the roller rink.

The rink was actually kind of packed.

I guess it was one of the few things you could do during a rainy day.

The skating ring ran through a few well known disco songs before moving to more modern things.

I was actually having a lot of fun.

Y/n didn't seem to know how to skate very much but I just took it as part of the neglect.

I hated to think compare my childhood to Y/n's, but most times I realized that I learned most things because my parents taught me or exposed me to it.

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