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The Mo-Marsh Family had finally arrived in South Korea. It was an exciting time for everyone, but one person.

"I had no idea what she was saying, how was I supposed to know?!" Y/n kept complaining.

As soon as The Mo Family had walked out of the airport, Y/n had been lured into some weird church recruitment.

Y/n thought it was just helpful staff from the airport asking questions, but instead it was cult members trying to get Y/n's information.

- Danielle POV -

Aside from being culture shocked, Y/n was having a hard time with the way everyone started to behave.

To us, it was second nature to behave a certain way in Korea....

But to Y/n, it was like meeting new people.

"Alright, home sweet home. You all know what do to!" My mom exclaimed.

Olivia and I excitedly jumped out the car and ran into the house, while Y/n ended up staying behind.

It took me a while to notice that Y/n hadn't followed, until Oli said.... "Oh great! Now we to teach Y/n to not be scared of the other side of our culture!"

I furrowed my brows a bit confused. I understood what she meant, but I didn't understand why she had used those words to describe it.

"Scared?" I whispered under my breath.

"Yeah, Y/n's already scared at home as it is. I can only imagine how scared they are being in a different country with us," Olivia explained.

I still didn't get it.

Olivia was insinuating that we'd somehow treat Y/n differently or that we'd change, but aside from having to behave a bit differently in Korea.... I didn't see what problem she was trying to get at.....

"Oh, look who came to pay a visit so soon!!" Dad suddenly exclaimed from the front door.

Olivia and I turned to look in his direction.....

And Minji was standing by the door.

- Y/N POV -

"Back so soon!" Someone suddenly exclaimed, as I was getting my bags out of the car.

I turned to look in the direction of the voice...

And I sighed of relief.

It was the girl that visited The Marsh House once

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It was the girl that visited The Marsh House once.


"Oh, hey and you brought the new kid with you!" Minji exclaimed.

I couldn't help, but chuckle at her remark.

"Y/n, my name is Y/n," I spoke up.

"I know that," Minji smugly replied.

I raised an eyebrow at her. She had peeked my interest before and she was doing the same now.

"Dani is inside. Come on in and say hi!" Mr. Marsh suddenly told her.

Minji followed Mr. Marsh into the house and I was left behind to gather all the bags.

I grabbed as many things as I could and Mrs. Mo grabbed the rest. Mr. Marsh came out to help too, before we all headed inside.

"Oh my god, yes! And we have to do a picnic by the river!" I heard Minji tell Danielle.

"Y/n isn't going to like that!" Olivia suddenly told them.

I narrowed my eyebrows a bit confused.

"They're talking about me?" I thought to myself.

"I'm not going to like what?" I chose to speak up.

"Oh, Y/n!!" Dani suddenly exclaimed and ran up to link her arm with mine.

"We were just talking about showing you around and helping you have a good time!" Minji answered my question.

My heart suddenly started to race.

Minji was a lot prettier than I remembered and her voice brought me comfort in what felt like a strange place.

"How can I not have a good time, when a pretty girl is showing me around?" I smugly replied.

"You flatter me, but I'm actually pretty average looking. I'm sure you'll come to find that there are a lot of good looking people in South Korea who are open to dating foreigners," Minji politely responded.

I couldn't tell why she chose to say those words.

Was she talking about herself or was she trying to get me to feel more excited about the trip?

"Are you one of them?" I began to flirt.

"I do like foreigners, but I'm not sure if Danielle would let me date her adoptive little sibling," Minji started flirting back.

"We're not blood related. She has no say in what I do," I smugly answered.

"In that case...., Yes. I do date foreigners," Minji smirked at me.

- Danielle POV -

Minji and Y/n were blatantly flirting right in front of me.

"Y/n is exclusive to Dani. Plus, dating a foreigner wouldn't be in your best interest anyway," Olivia suddenly spoke up.

"WHAT?!" I exclaimed in shock.

"It was a joke, I don't see why you have to be so pressed about it," Y/n started to get defensive.

"Yeah, it was just friendly banter. I was just trying to help Y/n-ssi feel at home ," Minji tried to explain herself.

As much as I wanted to believe her, I had never seen Minji flirt with someone like that.

"Okay, kids! Let's go eat!!" Mom suddenly walked in.






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