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"Where are you? Danielle called to say you and Olivia were on your way home over 3 hours ago!" Mrs. Mo sounded very concerned over the phone...

Only, she didn't know that it was Olivia who had picked up the phone.

"Y/n and Dani kind of got in a fight. So, I brought Y/n to a little get-together with my friends outside of the city," Olivia tried to explain to her mother.

Mrs. Mo got quiet for a bit, before asking... "Is there drinking involved?"

"Yeah, we had a few drinks. We probably won't be home until tomorrow. I'm sorry we worried you. I should've called to let you know as soon as we got here," Olivia tried to apologize.

"Yeah, you should've," Mrs. Mo sounded a bit upset.

"Well, just stay safe and drink responsibly. I don't want to hear any crazy things tomorrow," Mrs. Mo knew there wasn't much she could do.

All her kids were growing up and there was nothing she could do about it.

- Danielle POV -

"What?!" I couldn't believe what mom was telling me over the phone.

"I guess they're at some party outside of the city. They'll be here tomorrow. Thanks for letting me know though. Now, I don't have to worry on when they'll be home," Mom sighed before hanging up.

"What the hell?!" I looked at my phone fucking confused.

"What's wrong?" Haerin asked.

I ignored her and angrily dialed Olivia's phone.

"Hello?" Olivia answered.

"You were supposed to take Y/n home. Not take them to a part-"

She quickly hung up.

"What THE fuck?!" I thought to myself as I dial her again.

Olivia was supposed to go home. Not take Y/n to a college party with her slutty friends.

"WHAT?!" Olivia yelled over the phone.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?!" I yelled too.

"You clearly can't see how much you're hurting Y/n. Sooorrryyy for trying to show your little stray a good time!" Livy was pissing me off.

"Don't call Y/n that!" I yelled in pure rage.

"Hey, strays are up for grabs, right?!" Olivia was clearly drunk... but I knew what she was capable of when she had her mind set on something...

"Don't you fucking dare!" I hissed.

"Should've set boundaries with Haerin instead of coddling her for not understanding her emotions. Now, Y/n's here drinking and getting the attention of some of my friends," Olivia was getting cynical.

"Matter of fact, I might take a shot at Y/n myself," I couldn't tell if she was serious.

Olivia always did things in the most emotionally fucked up way you could think of, but it was usually with good intentions. I was yet to find out if that cold and meticulous side of her would be used to hurt me.

Before I could even respond, Olivia hung up.

"Hey, did you see Felix's story? I guess he's having a party close to home," Hanni suddenly walked out of her room.

"Felix?" I titled my head.

I had heard of Felix before. I didn't know Hanni was familiar with him too.

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