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The Mo-Marsh Family was so excited to be back in South Korea. They were so excited to spend the rest of the summer there, with their family and friends and their new addition to the family.

"What do you think?" Mrs. Mo kept waiting for Y/n's honest review on Korean food.

"It's good," Y/n blankly replied.

In reality, Y/n was too cultured shocked to give an honest review.

- Olivia POV -

Y/n was acting weirder than usual, which was causing Dad to start getting a bit overprotective.

"Here, try it with this sauce. It'll taste a bit weird at first, but I promise it's really good!" Minji tried to help out with Y/n's adjusting taste buds.

Y/n leaned over to take Minji's bite in their mouth and I could just feel Danielle's temperature rise.

"Y/n use your own hands," Dad suddenly ordered.

I had yet to figure what happened while I was at school. For a second, I thought my sister and Y/n were secretly dating... but it couldn't be that. They always acted like they hated each other.

Another time, I thought maybe Mom or Dad wanted Y/n to date but that didn't make sense either. Our parents baby Y/n too much to even want them dating anyone.

"Sorry, Sir," Y/n tried to be polite.

"Sir? What happened to Dad? Did I get demoted?" Dad started to pout.

I cringed a bit.

It was all a bit odd to me.

"Sorry, Dad!" Y/n awkwardly responded, trying to correct themselves.

"This kid needs more help than I thought," I thought to myself.

Ever since I had gotten back from school, I realized that Y/n was in a bit of an odd position. For one, it was clear that Danielle had a thing for them.

Well, that was apparent since the first time I ever saw Y/n. It was at the crepe shop and Dani just looked so God damn eager to talk to them. At first I thought it was one of Dani's friend from school, but from the rude behavior Y/n display it was clear that they didn't know each other.

"Oh! I like this!" Y/n suddenly exclaimed.

"You do?" Mom looked a little offended, jealous even.

"Yeah, it's like a bit spicy or something!" Y/n kept smiling widely at Minji.

Dani's face suddenly turned red. While Mom and Dad looked a bit upset.

"Oooohhh!!" Things started to click.

"So, Minji. Are you still seeing that guy from our last visit?" I stepped into the conversation.

"Huh?" Minji looked a bit thrown off by my question.

"You're dating someone?" Y/n's demeanor seemed to change.

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